First Draft - The Disfigured Face

This science fiction story, The Disfigured Face, was written by Juza Unno.



The Disfigured Face

Juza Unno


 昭和五十二年の冬十二月十二日は、雪と共に夜が明けた。 老探偵|帆村荘六《ほむらそうろく》は、いつものように地上室の寝床の上に目をさました。





A Client with a Case

The dawn of December 12 in the winter of Showa year 52 (1977) came with snow.

The old detective Homura Souroku woke up as always on the bed in his ground floor room.

The beautiful android assistant Kayumi came to announce the appointed time and to wake him.

"Sensei, today is the day to replace your artificial lungs. Preparations will be done in the adjoining room," said Kayumi to announce the especially understood item of the day.

The seasoned detective abruptly sat up. While running his hand through his entirely white hair, he stood in front of the mirror hanging on the wall.

 血色はいい。皮膚からは血がしたたりそうであった。 探偵は片手をのばして、鏡の隅についている釦《ボタン》を押した。




His blood color was good. The blood trickled from his skin. The detective stretched out one arm to push a button attached to the corner of the mirror.

In an instant, his image disappeared from the mirror; in its place, a contour map appeared.

On the map, seven contour lines were mixed in. Seven new points were added seen on the horizontal axis of December 12 before becoming visible and displayed as luminous spots. The seven contours indicated the seven conditions for evaluating his health. They were the normality of his pulse, respiration rate, body temperature, blood pressure, and several other reactions. If you stood before a mirror, a mechanism measured them in an instant for display on the health contours as spots.

"Hmm, this morning, my best conditions aren't so good. Maybe, my heart should be replaced soon with an artificial one."


帆村が、人工肺臓もとりかえ、朝の水浴《みずあ》びをし、それから食事をすませて、あとは故郷の山でつんだ番茶を入れた大きな湯呑《ゆのみ》をそばにおいて、ラジオのニュース放送の抜萃《ばっすい》を聞き入っているとき、カユミ助手が入って来て、来客のあるのを告げた。そしてテレビジョンのスイッチをひねった。 映写幕の上に、等身大の婦人の映像があらわれた。



No, it would be too troublesome to write down and link each of these items to explain his way of life in Showa year 52. As much as possible, it will be written later. Except for special cases....

Homura also swapped in artificial lungs, took a morning shower, and ate breakfast. When he placed a large cup of coarse tea picked in the mountains of his hometown by his side and he listened attentively to an excerpt of the radio news broadcast, his assistant Kayumi came in to announce a guest and then turned the television switch. A life-size image of a woman appeared on the screen.

She hid the bottom half of her face with a handkerchief. The color of fear shined in her eyes peeking out from above.

She was wearing bulletproof helmet on her head, a ruby necklace, a long overcoat made from Canadian squirrels, and a long bulletproof boots on her legs. One hand wearing a bulletproof glove was clutching a short one-meter stake with a gold metallic sheen.






「困りましてございます」客は煙を一口吸っただけだった。「……あたくし、恐ろしい顔の男に、あとをつけられていまして……。なんとか保護していただきたいのですけれど」 「それはお困りでいらっしゃいましょう」


In short, the shivering young woman, who was caught up in an incident, paid a visit. The woman was not particularly refined, yet did not seem shallow.

The aged detective greeted his guest and invited her into his reception room.

She removed her fur overcoat to reveal a bright yellow dress. Her yellow dress, red ruby necklace, and pale face brought on romantic thoughts. The detective finished pouring oil in all the electrical relays in his brain.

"Please come in... What is the trouble? Is there a problem I can help you with?"

Homura offered a gold cigarette case to the woman.

"Yes, I have a problem, said his guest and breathed in the smoke, "...I am being followed by a frightening-looking man. I would like your protection."

"That is a problem."

A woman being followed by a frightening man and asking for protection. This was an old-fashioned case. In the Egyptian age five thousand years ago, no, even further back, after expulsion from the garden of Eden, this type of case occurred. Even now, it was rampant again.











"How should I handle this man to your satisfaction, Madam?

The detective called her madam for the first time, that hit the mark for the lady who still was not introduced.

"I would like you to settle this matter so that he no longer follows that I no longer see him."

"Should that man make a promise? Should he be killed? Which one, Madam?"

The tone of the detective's voice did not change and he spoke smoothly.

"Well, if it's money, I have some."

The lady whispered a number with many digits.

"However, the condition is that this matter must be settled once and for all."

"Should he die or make an unbreakable pledge? Is he a man who keeps his promises? And what relationship does this man have with you? Please tell me..."

The detective thought this was his chance; this is the problem he wanted to know from the beginning. However, the result was disgraceful.




"I never had any relationship with this man in the past. I have never seen him until now. If I had seen this man with that ugly warped face even once, I would not forget. Nonetheless, I have been targeted by that beastly man. It's horrible. I'm terrified and feel like I'm going crazy...."

"In that case, wouldn't it be more sensible to contact the police and have them caution him?"

"Oh, what are you saying? How much will the police do for me? They simply rummage around in vain and irritate me, and in a short time, expose me to public ridicule. Not one of my requests can be achieved. I'm sorry. I will adopt a method with a straightforward effect because that is sensible. Your reputation in the world is you are a man who guards the secrecy of the case, only asks a little, solves the case with drastic measures in a short time, and is always an absolute ally of the client. For that reason, I came with my request. Is there a misconception about your reputation in the world?"




「あなたさまの方は如何《いかが》です、おつれあい様に対しまして……」 帆村は一つの機微にも神経質になることがあった。





"Those words are undeserved. In any case, I will immediately begin the work you requested, but I have one question. However, it may be terribly rude. Is your love for your husband satisfactory?"

The lady customer blushed and reflected the color of scorn, but that color soon vanished.

"Yes, very satisfactory.... My husband loves me very much and cares greatly for me.

"How about you? Towards your husband..."

Homura became subtlely nervous.

The woman said, "That..." she hesitated and to cover up said, "I also love my husband. That is certain."

Homura seemed to harden for a moment. However, he immediately followed with the next question.

"How many years ago did you marry?"

Homura expected her to say surprisingly few years.







"It was three months ago."

That was unexpectedly short. This twenty-four- or -five-year-old wife was late in getting married. That happened despite her being a beautiful woman.

"Excuse me, but you are rather late in forming a home. Were you with someone else previously?"

This woman client clearly resented the question and looked put off.

"My husband is Ikari Eiji. He is a crew member of the Masugata Expedition. I believe you understand now. Six years ago in the summer of Showa year 46 (1971), they began an expedition to Mars and have been away from Earth for over five years. They returned to Earth in the fall of this year. If I tell you only this, can you believe that this is my first time having a home? In fact, I have waited in solitude for the long period of six years since I met him."

"You said Ikari Eiji?"






The detective's question was a glass of water poured on the burning client, but that was not Homura's intention. He was interested in the team of the Masugata Expedition and knew more about them than the average person, but knew nothing about the crewman Ikari Eiji. That was the reason for his question.

"Yes, Ikari Eiji. The space hero. My husband went on a spacewalk and managed to perform amazing work when the rocket ship was threatened by dangers in the neutral zone. As a result, the ship escaped the danger and broke away from the neutral zone. And the foundation was created for the success of this major expedition."

"Of course, of course.... I have a margin of several days to solve this case. If the resolution is swift and does not take several days, I will report immediately. I have no more questions. If you have no questions, then I must excuse myself."

"Here is a check as a deposit and my name and address. Please proceed while keeping this case a secret from my husband, too."

The lady Tanima Shizuka rose from her chair.


 女客を送出した帆村が、読書室へしずかに足を踏み入れたとき、窓ぎわに立っていた青年がふりかえった。 「おじさま、お早ようございます」







Hachiha, the Nephew and Assistant

When Homura saw off his client then quietly entered the reading room, a young man stood beside the window.

"Good morning Uncle."

"Oh, Musashi-kun."

His nephew's name was Hachiha Juroku, but Homura called him Musashi because of the Juroku and the boardgame called Juroku Musashi. However, that game was out of fashion and not popular with young people.

"I heard everything," Hachiha said and pointed to the television set directly connected to the reception room, "Uncle, you fell in love with that woman, didn't you?"

The seasoned detective was not the type to be moved by much, but only his nephew possessed the special skill to surprise the old detective. Homura's eyes opened wide, and he burst out laughing.

"Falling in often speak those vulgar words and think about that obscenity. Today's youth are confused. You don't know the proper words of greeting."

"So that's your conclusion. Uncle, you failed to hear bits of the most important items from this client. Why did the famous detective change? Was he flustered? That's one answer. The seasoned detective, no, the famous detective fell in love with that woman...."
















"Is that your reasoning? Humph! Did I fail to hear all the important items?"

"For example, well...why is that lady afraid of that man? That foundation is not clear."

"She clearly explained the reason for her fear. The man's face is frightening. I think he was always following her. That's the only reason."

"Isn't that too simple? You should have questioned more deeply about the reason for her fear. I think the true cause is deeper."

"You are deliberately making this problem more complex and serious. That's no good. Mistakes arise when things are not viewed honestly."

"Well then, Uncle, your judgment is too easy. This is a serious incident."

"That may be so, but that is more than enough from the lady's position."

"I can't agree, Uncle. What does this man who scares the lady so much look like? You didn't ask that either. Despite this being a terribly important case..."

"I haven't asked that question yet. Shouldn't we first get a clear look with our own eyes at the face of the man coiling around her?"

"You're optimistic."

"Musashi-kun, it's best to not hear those things from the client. If I understand, it's best to not ask her."


His nephew Hachiha Juroku looked dissatisfied.

"You will come with me. I'll be leaving in five minutes, naturally, to see the frightening face of that man."

"Of course, I'll go with you, Uncle."



老探偵は甥と肩を並べて、その近くまでを|動く道路《ベルト・ロード》に乗って行き、空蝉《うつせみ》広場から先を、歩道にそってゆっくり歩いていった。 このあたりは五年ほど前に開発された住宅区であったが、重宝《ちょうほう》な設計のなされているのに拘《かかわ》らず、わりあいに入っている人がすくなかった。それは場所が、


The nephew flashed a smile.

Mercury Base District 399 was the location of the love nest of Tanima Shizuka and Ikari Eiji.

Side by side with his nephew, the elderly detective rode the belt road that traveled to close to that area. From the front of the Real World Plaza, they slowly walked along the sidewalk.

About five years ago, this area was developed as a residential zone. Despite being designed for convenience, relatively few people entered, probably because the plaze was the furthest distance away from the city center and felt inconvenient. However, in terms of time, if the high-speed tube road were used, it was only fifteen minutes from the city center, but everyone had become impatient.










The detective climbed up the gently sloping road. At the top of the hill was the corner of 399. The apartment should be in there. The latest apartments had ten or twenty entrances so people could select the preferred path to enter. That alone was troublesome to the detective business.

"We're here. We should enter somewhere around here."

The seasoned detective's intuition was fearsome only after being honed over many years. If needed, the nephew would fly out in front of the uncle ready to knock down any challenger and quietly followed.

An arched bridge curved underground like a passageway and curved to the inside. On the ceiling, gas-discharge lamps emitted a pale light to provide adequate illumination for people with weak eyesight.

The detective stopped short. The informed nephew stuck out his chin in the direction behind his uncle.

"Look in the shadow of the seventh arch. A body leaned forward."

"I see him too. Ah! What an ugly face!"

"Hmm," the detective groaned as he held a portable telescope to his eye, "This is the first time I've seen a deformity like that. The basic principles of embryology are destroyed. Is the family about to collapse?"

"That face was terrifying."


The face thrust out earlier and the face that seemed to flow later were not too mysterious. Even on another scary face, the basic principle is left-right symmetry about a vertical line passing through the bridge of the nose in the center of the face as the axis. Even in the ghastly face of the ozeki-ranked Oiwa-sama, the left and right eyes were somewhat symmetric because of a tumor, when looked at as a whole, the axis of the face had left-right symmetry about the center. However, the face seen now was not that. First, the bridge of the nose flowed diagonally. Overall it lay diagonally. The face was a mystery. Spotting the face were things like darkened cuts from the scars of tumors. However, his face was no longer much like a face. The lips were pulled to the left as if stapled vertically. This crooked, unsettling face was not seen in illustrated books. Although a distorted chin was seen, the cranium that should be distorted could not be seen because of a brown felt hat with a wide brim.











In no time the detective captured his rival in a compact camera.

"Musashi. Next, we will meet that man."

"Should I nab him if he tries to get away?"

"No, we'll let him alone. We'll have many opportunities."

Their words soon ended. The detective rushed out from the corner of the pathway, and his nephew chased after him.

The detective's pace gradually slackened, and he placed a sailor's pipe in his mouth. He gave up tobacco, but mouthed a pipe stuffed with a substitute tobacco when needed for a job. At an unhurried pace, he approached the front of the suspicious man and finally stopped.

"Excuse me, but is the home of Tanima Shizuka-san around here?"

The suspicious man seemed surprised after being addressed unexpectedly. His weird face twisted further to become a mysterious face. The man immediately raised his gloved hands to cover his face from below his eyes. He swung his head violently left and right.

The detective asked, "So you do not know? Forgive me... But I have an odd question, but were you onboard a boat in the past? I was also a sailor for a long time. I think I may have seen you somewhere."

His rival screamed like a wild beast, then knocked down the detective where he stood and scrambled away. The nephew Hachiha carried a pistol. The detective called out, "Don't shoot!" The suspicious man fled in a posture like a bat crawling on the ground while heavily dragging his leg. Halfway up the slope, he jumped toward the wall on the left side opposite the apartment.























A Visit to the Love Nest

"Uncle, this is bad."

As the nephew lifted up Homura and brushed the mud off his clothes, he had a thought.

"What's bad?"

"It's not bad? I suddenly asked that man about Tanima Shizuka...that alarmed him."

"That was good. I clearly saw the man had a definite reaction to the name Tanima Shizuka. I didn't expect that."

"Ha, ha. That's true."

Young Hachiha's earlobes reddened.

"He had a big reaction to having been a sailor. He knocked me down and fled."

"How did you guess he was a sailor?"

"The way he wore his hat. He wore it the way you do against violent winds."

"Oh, so if he was a sailor, what does that mean for this case?"

"We will solve the case from that. We found this equation where he is a sailor."

"But it's not related."

"No, it is related. When we know he was a sailor, don't you feel that is somehow connected to this case?"


The nephew racked his brains, but no answer came. He shook his head no.

"Because you're thinking too hard, you won't notice."

The old detective laughed and shoved both hands into the pockets of his overcoat.

"Well, now we will pay a visit to Mrs. Tanima."

"Is it a formal meeting?"

"No, informal. There's a role for you. Here's the gist."





The detective whispered something to his nephew. Musashi's eyes lit up like a naughty boy and pleased with what he heard.

There was an apartment with a nameplate for Ikari Eiji and Tanima Shizuka. Musashi was about to press the doorbell.

"Wait. The plan has changed. This house has a television phone. Calling by phone is better. You will call from a newspaper company."

Homura took an appliance attached by a string from his pocket and placed in on the electrical line crawling along the wall of the entrance. He tampered with it for a short time. Soon he sent a signal back to Musashi.







"Is this the Ikari residence? Is the lady of the house in? I'm calling from Sakura Newspapers. Is your wife in? If she is, may I speak to her?"

Tanima Shizuka's pale face made her look more serious and glared at Hachiha from the television projection screen.

"Please tell me what kind of business?"

"The truth is I will deliver a letter and money from a fan of your husband. A donation came from a reader for your husband's meritorious service rendered as a crewmember of the Mars expedition. I wish to speak with you a bit about this."

This proposal had an immediate effect. Shizuka's expression changed instantly. She smiled with pride and called Ikari from the other room. Homura's were fixed on another smaller screen on a bypass road. He saw the face of the other person, but his face was not transmitted.

Ikari Eiji's pale face appeared on the screen.












"I can't take that money. Please send it back. I am not a man deserving of such praise. Please leave and stop the excessive newspaper reports of me as a crewmember of the expedition. They're a nuisance."

Ikari reached to disconnect the call, but Shizuka beside him stopped his hand and appeared on the phone.

"I'm very sorry. He's a humble man and really hates publicising himself as a hero. The newspaper people ask me their questions instead. I apologize and thank them so they don't feel bad."

"No, I don't feel bad, but please take the fan's letter and money. I will mail them to you."

With a signal from the detective, he brought the television meeting to an end. Homura shut down the device, and quietly walked to stand in front of the apartment.

When he started down the slope, Hachiha looked impatient and started to call to his silent uncle.

"I was good, right?"

"You were fine."

"So be it,...but Uncle, that only made Ikari yell. We didn't get anything, did we?"

"You think so?"

The detective's lips closed tight.

"I know a variety of new things."

"What? New things? Like what?"








"I think you understand, but those two are certainly living together."

"If it's that, I understand."

"Shizuka is proud of Ikari, but he is not proud. My biggest take away is he hates publicity for being a crewmember of the expedition. So I have to pay someone a visit right away."

"That's interesting. I'll accompany wherever you go. But Uncle, aren't you veering away from the main issue of this case? Your investigation of Ikari won't solve the problem of the man with the scary face stalking Shizuka."

"Well, come along. That's fine, but if I find something I don't understand, solving that first is the key to this path. Surprisingly, that offers the direct critical key."

"Uncle, is that your experimental theory? That's old. Statistics is a chance collection. In probability theory, valueless objects are simply set in order."

"If the conditions are skillfully arranged, it doesn't become so valueless. Well, let's go."









Secret Documents

At the Masugata Expedition Office, Homura and Hachiha were invited into a large room with an oval skylight ceiling behind a bulletproof ceiling.

Commander Masugata was a colleague of Homura related to some business from years ago. Through the extraordinary efforts of Homura at that time, Masugata was saved from danger and had to pay the highest level of respect to Homura. However, Homura did not know how grateful Masugata was to him from the bottom of his heart. In this case, however, he had hazy thoughts about the man who saved him. In the worst case, he would trip up his benefactor given the opportunity and heave him into the river.

Masugata, a stout man of fifty, stepped into the skylit room where Homura and Hachiha were waiting. A smile quickly covered his face and he spoke in a kind voice.

"Today, I want you to tell me a bit about the previous Mars expedition."

Homura was brusque.

"What, work? Is it a new legal case about profit distribution? A little profit remained for the crew."

"No, it's not that. I want to know about a crewmember. The guy named Ikari Eiji. He's been portrayed in the newspapers and radio as a space hero."












"Ha, ha. Maybe, this is talk about his marriage proposal. If it's that man, it's not good. Seven years of unrequited love for a woman is now a love nest."

"You're talking about the woman Tanima Shizuka."

"Oh, you know? If it's not that, what is the case?"

"My work has the duty of maintaining the secrecy of the requestor. However, would you show me the documents written at that time? When could you show me everything in the archives? I really don't want to impose on you."

Masugata was pained. He had difficulty rejecting the brazen demand of the detective.

"There is a regulation prohibiting even crewmembers from reading this, but for you, it's probably all right. Come this way."

The archives were on basement level 13 in the room right behind the commander's room. Masugata did not take his eyes off of Homura and Hachiha for a second.

"This is odd. The name Ikari Eiji is not in the crew register in the first group of names. His name is after the halfway point. I wonder why."

"Ha, ha, ha. The famous detective doesn't know about that?"

"The total number of initial crewmembers was thirty-nine. The number that returned was forty. From the beginning, Ikari Eiji was missing. Why? The crewman was left out of the accounts by the commander. Ah, Ikari Eiji was a secret crewman. That's probably it."

"Of course, that's probably it,"






casually said the calm Masugata. Homura took no notice, stood, and took another document from the shelf. It was the Flight Logbook. Starting on the first page, he cast his eyes down.

"There it is. August 3 (the third day) Immediately before all hands came. Stowaways discovered in fifth warehouse hallway. Fairly simple record. After..."

As Homura poked his fingertip around the page, he searched the beginning. At the end of the same day, there was another entry.

"A meeting of the department heads re-examined the quantity of food, air, and fuel in the inventory. Five approved an increase by one in the crewmembers, and four disapproved. The decision was (erased number). As the result of a lottery, Ikari Eiji was registered as the fortieth crewmember and confirmed in this meeting. In addition, Dr. Majirikawa was entrusted with his handling. On the third day, Ikari obtained the qualifications of a crewmember. The crewmembers grew by one member from thirty-nine to forty."

Masugata's eyes looked at Homura's profile that seemed frozen. Homura was as impolite as ever. (His nephew served his role as the faithful monitor and signaled information by shoe sounds.)










"I'll copy this text into my diary," said Homura and wrote everything in his notebook.

"Masugata-kun, can this erased part be read in some way?"

"Parts are erased so they can't be read."

"The sentence can't be understood without this part."

"It may be all right because it's not literature."

"I'm an expert in reports and only this part missing is strange. At any rate, Ikari Eiji was not punished as a stowaway and his life was saved. Incorporating him into the crew was traumatic. Later, he acted at great risk to save the rocket in crisis to become One Leap Eiji."

"That was it. The true scope of his actions..." said Masugata with a touch of eloquence spoke for quite a while about that time. Homura sniffled and often felt admiration. However, his hand flipped through the pages in another volume. That book was the Report of the Communications Department of memos written by Dr. Majirikawa. The entry on the same day, August 3, contained the following text.












"...stowaways shall be dealt with in accordance with the regulations. Beginning at hour 23:05 and ending at hour 23:55"

Written in the margins were the three phrases 23XSY, Dammit, a fraud, Winner requires guard. Homura's face tensed.

"If you thought there was one stowaway, you're wrong. There were two," Homura shouted.

"What is your reasoning?" Masugata brazenly asked.

"It's clearly written here in this Report of the Communications Department. This is Dr. Majirikawa's handwriting," said Homura and pointed to "stowaways shall be dealt with in accordance with the regulations." The other document hid characters written in pencil in the margins. It wasn't clear whether they were accidental or intentional.

Homura said, "When I looked at the Flight Logbook one more time after reading this, I assumed there were two stowaways. It's a very cunning, no, an ingenious entry."

Masugata ignored him and said, "By lottery, Ikari Eiji remained on the rocketship. The other man was dealt with by Dr. Majirikawa in accordance with the regulations. This is certain. Who was the other man? How was he dealt with? Can you explain?"









"I'll leave that determination to your common sense."

"What is understood is a stowaway with an unknown surname was not allowed to stay on the rocketship. At hour 23:00 on that day, he was ejected from the ship. That's it. That meant death."

"Outside the ship is not my responsibility. Therefore, I don't know what happened."

"I may wonder, but I don't intend to censure you. What I want to know is how was the man with the unknown name dealt with? If I could ask Dr. Majirikawa, I would know. But where is the doctor?"

Masugata started to speak, but Homura trembled as if jolted by an electric shock and said, "...On the way back from the expedition, Dr. Majirikawa met his unexpected end."

"You always know everything, don't you?" asked Masugata.

"I may know a lot, but not everything. If I can't speak to the doctor, I want to meet and question someone from the Communications Department. Could you introduce me?"

"They've already been disbanded. Nobody's here. The Communications Department has completely scattered."

"Is that so? Too bad. But there should be a roster, I'll copy that down and then I'll go."














On the Hill at Midnight

Homura left with Hachiha and returned to his office.

The young man was excited and paid no attention to Homura. While constantly calming him down, Homura continued methodically with his work.

"If this is the situation, Tanima Shizuka's case will be put on the back burner,"

Hachiha repeatedly blurted out to coax his uncle.

Homura said nothing.

In no time, the night grew late.

"Hey, I'm going out. Are you coming?"

"I'm coming, but where are we going?"

Homura's target was the slowly rising hill. The winter was severe, but the street was underground, and the temperature stayed at twenty degrees.

Homura seemed to burn with conviction and quickly climbed the hill.

When the hill seemed to stop rising, Homura signaled Hachiha.

The two suddenly stopped and turned to the left. An outdoor lamp illuminated five meters all around Hachiha with the brightness of a full moon. Both Homura and Hachiha were exposed by the light. Even the pistol in Hachiha's hand..."





「私たちはこれからあなたと御一緒に、この上の家へ参りたいと思います。そして私たちは、徹頭徹尾、あなたの味方として、あなたにお手伝いしたいと思うのです。承知して下さるでしょう」  歪んだ顔の男は、一時|呆然《ぼうぜん》となっていた。だがようやく老探偵のいうことを理解したらしい。



"Easy there. Calm down. If you don't try to escape, the pistol won't shoot.

In an urgent tone, the detective called to the man with the hideous face across from him. He looked stuck deep inside the wall. From under the brim of the dirty hat, two eyes shined like knotholes. The twisted mouth opened as if ripped open to bare his teeth....

"Kida Kenichi-san. I know all about you. I heard everything from Souka-kun, the engineer at Radio Station 23XSY. I sympathize with your misfortune and misery."

These words of the detective changed the queer expression on the man's disfigured face. He was moved.

"From here on, I think we should go with you to visit the home upstairs. Then we want to help you as your allies. Will you agree to this?"

The man with the twisted face was stunned for a moment. Finally, he seemed to understand the detective's words.

"Who are you?" asked the hoarse voice of the mysterious man.

 帆村は正直に名乗った。 怪人は、帆村たちが警察の命令を受けて彼を逮捕に来ているのでないことをいくども確めた後、始めて同行を承諾した。











Homura properly introduced himself. After the mysterious man was sure they hadn't been ordered by the police to arrest him, he consented to go with them.

"But even if you meet your rival, please only explain your grudge. We will not resort to violence because that may cause a loss of sympathy."

The detective spoke to him like a child.

The two began to walk.

However, Hachiha was beside himself with worry.

"Uncle, is this okay? Just in case..."

He cautioned his uncle in a low voice. When the mysterious man meets Tanima Shizuka would he lose his temper and try to choke her? In that case, what would be Homura's explanation to his client?

Homura signaled his nephew not to worry and did not slacken his pace. He was quite confident.

When the three walked down the road to the entrance of the apartment, a gunshot suddenly exploded from inside. Ten random shots rang out.


The detective froze where he stood looking irked and dismayed.

「行ってみましょう! 何事が——」










"Let's get outta here! What the..."

"Wait, Musashi. It's too late."

Homura's voice returned to normal.

"Too late for what?"

"He shot and killed him. That man..."

"That man?"

"Ikari Eiji has been shot and is dead," said Homura and placed his hand on Kida's shoulder.

"Kida-san. You just missed the man you resent. He seems to have become a corpse. You may be dissatisfied, but please give up on the promise."

Kida let out a strange cry, and his whole body trembled. The detective entered the apartment while holding Kida to comfort him.

Homura's guess was right.










At the back door, Ikari's entire body was stained with blood, and he was dead. The special police squad equipped with light machine guns had gathered. The squad leader was Inspector Egawa, an acquaintance of Homura.

"Ah, Homura-san, we had to kill him. He tried to resist."

According to the inspector, when they headed here to immediately place Ikari Eiji under arrest for suspicion of killing Dr. Majirikawa, he whipped out two pistols to resist and started shooting both guns. Finally, he was shot dead.

"What happened to his wife?" asked Homura.

"We didn't see the wife or any of her belongings. All the closet shelves were empty. The wife seems to be gone."

"Is that so?"

Homura let out a slight sigh and walked over to Kida, who was being protected by his nephew in the darkness. With his eyes cast down in defeat, he slowly stood.

"Kida-san, this is probably a good ending. Can you withdraw? If you don't have any engagements, would you please come with us to my home? Tonight, I'd like you to be my guest."






An Unexpected Return to Life

For the next few days, Hachiha had a chance, after a long time, to speak at leisure with his uncle. He told his uncle he wanted to know about the impatient Kida and the conclusion to the Ikari case.

"Ikari was a shipmate of Kida-san. When I asked about the departure of the Masugata Expedition, the two conspired to stowaway. They were discovered on the third day. As you know, the result of the investigation was only one person could be accommodated, and the other was no good. Therefore, which one would remain was decided by a drawing of lots. When they did, Ikari drew the winner. Kida-san lost. And in accordance with the regulations, Kida was expelled from the ship as a stowaway to die. Because three days had passed since departing Earth, he could not put on a parachute and descend alive to the Earth's surface.

"Dr, Majirikawa was ordered to prepare Kida. The doctor had the highest authority related to the machinery of the rocketship. Instead of dropping Kida with a parachute, the doctor thought of an alternative. The doctor had conducted research on dissembling a human body into electrical particles and transmitting them by radio. However, 100% success was not guaranteed, but his chance of being restored to life was greater than being thrown into the dark sky with a parachute on his back. The doctor discussed this in secret with Kida, and Kida accepted. The process would begin at 11:00 at night. Kida and the doctor were isolated from the other people on board and locked away in the doctor's machine room.

"In there, Kida began acting strangely. Earlier he and Ikari drew their fateful lots, but playing cards were used. This time Kida remembered that Ikari was a famous card cheat. And he thought Ikari picked the winning card in the drawing that day by using his skill in deception. He cursed Ikari and pleaded with the doctor to redo the drawing, but that was impossible. In the end, there was no proof that Ikari cheated, and the processing order had been given. The doctor calmed him and finally began his work. The doctor called wireless station 23XSY connected as the remote station and electrically dissembled and transmitted Kida's body to that station. This operation ended at 11:55 pm and took 55 minutes. I must say, I read this in the *Report of the Communications Department* and recognized a clue. Why? It would not have taken fifty minutes to equip Kida with the parachute and expelled from the ship. Therefore, that process would not cause this delay. That lead to suspicions. And my attention was directed the notes written by the doctor in the margins of the report.


木田氏の身体は23XSY無電局で受信せられ、再び身体に組立てられたが、不幸にも送信機と受信機の調子が完全に合わなかったことと、運悪く当夜強い空電《くうでん》があったために、再生の木田氏は、あんなに断層のある醜い顔、いびつな身体になってしまったんだ。しかし木田氏が生命を失わなかったことは祝福すべきだ。その木田氏は身体が恢復《かいふく》すると碇曳治に恨みをかえさないではいられなかった。これは誰にでも了解できることだろう。 彼は醜い顔ゆえに、極力《きょくりょく》人目をさけながらも、碇の行方を探し、そして遂に探しあてて彼の身辺を狙うようになったんだ。それをシズカ夫人が誤解して、夫人自身が怪人につけ狙われていると感じたんだ。——そのあとは、君の知っているとおりだ。 うん、それからもう一つ、シズカ夫人のことだが、あの夫人は昔、碇と木田の両方から想われていたんだそうな、そして始めは木田の方が好きだった。ところが木田は行方不明になる。それから碇の方は探険から帰って来て英雄だとはやされる。その碇がシズカ夫人につきまとう。そんなだんどりで二人は同棲することになってしまったという。このことについて、私はおせっかいながら一つの結末を考慮中だ」





"I immediately recognized the code 23XSY as a wireless station. I knew it was not a trick, but I next heard the story close to him from Kita-san. The note of 'Winner requires guard' is associated wih the doctor's demise. This is my hunch. That was your contempt. I noticed that and thought this was a serious matter and reported the reasoning. On that day, we were delayed.

"Kita's body was transmitted by the wireless station 23XSY and reassembled into a body. Unfortunately, the tuning of the transmitter and the receiver were not perfectly matched. It was just bad luck that strong static electricity occurred that night. The regenerated Kida-san became a distorted body with an ugly, disfigured face. However, the blessing was Kida-san did not lose his life. Kida-san held a grudge against Ikari Eiji when he tried to rehabilitate his body. No one could understand that. Because of his ugly face, he avoided the public eye in his search for Ikari, eventually found him, and targeted his personal affairs. This was misunderstood by Shizuka and felt this mysterious man was following her. You know about the rest. One more thing, long ago, both Ikari and Kida had feelings for Shizuka. Initially, she like Kida, but he disappeared. When Ikari returned home from the expedition, Eiji became the choice. That Ikari shadowed Shizuka. In his plan, the two would live together. While meddling, I'm considering the consequences."

What was the seasoned detective considering? He knew that was later Tanima Shizuka married a handsome young man.

Old acquaintances said about that young man, "He's Kida Kenichi who was said to be missing for a long time, but suddenly returned and married Tanima Shizuka who he loved for a long time."

The interference of the old detective made a desparate request to the engineer Egawa at an ordinary wireless station, disassembled Kida's body again, transmitted it as a radio signal into space, received it at another station, and reassembled his body. With the exceptional ability of Egawa, he corrected the distortions in Kida's face and body, and filtered out the mixed in static electricity. As a result, Kida could return to being a handsome young man.

Because it was Showa year fifty-something (1975-84), this was possible. This was not even a thought in a dream thirty years ago. Isn't that so?


The End

  • 断層顔
  • 著者名: 海野十三
  • 入力:tatsuki
  • 校正:門田裕志、小林繁雄
  • 翻訳者:シェリー・マーシャル
  • The Disfigured Face (in Japanese)
  • Author: Juza Unno
  • Input by: tatsuki
  • Revised by: Hiroshi Kadota, Shigeo Kobayashi
  • Translated by: Shelley Marshall
© 2018 Shelley Marshall