First Draft - Memories

This short story was written by the author of No Longer Human, The Setting Sun, Pandora's Box, and Goodbye. Some of these memories appear in Home to Tsugaru.

Dazai Osamu



At dusk, I was standing next to my aunt at the gate. She was wearing a nursemaid's short coat to protect whoever she may be carrying on her back. I never forgot the quietness of the gloomy street at that time. My aunt told me angels died and added they are living gods. I muttered living god like I was interested then seemed to say something blasphemous. My aunt scolded me and said not to speak like that and I would die. While I wondered where I would die, I remember deliberately asking my aunt and making her smile.


I was born in Meiji year 42 (1909) and a little older than four when the Meiji emperor died. I think it was around that time I went with my aunt to the home of relatives who lived in a village about two ri from my village and never forgot the waterfall I saw there. The waterfall was in the mountains near the village. The wide waterfall fell from a cliff with a lush growth of moss. I stared at it while riding on the shoulders of a strange man. We were next to some shrine. The man showed me various votive tablets there but I gradually grew lonely and started bawling. I was crying for my aunt. On a rug spread out in a far-off basin, she was enjoying a pleasant time with some relatives but heard my cries and quickly stood. The rug seemed to trap her feet, and her body wobbled as if she were bowing. Seeing this, the others teased my aunt saying she was drunk. I saw this from far away and felt so sorry and cried louder with tears pouring down. One night, I dreamed my aunt abandoned me and left home. My aunt's breast blocked the side door of the entryway. A grainy sweat trickled from her reddened, huge breasts. My aunt grumbled roughly at me, "You've become a horrible boy." My cheeks moved closer to her breasts. While crying, she said, "Don't do that." When my aunt started to shake me, I pushed my face into her breasts as she sat on the floor and cried. Even after I woke up, I remained sad for a long time and cried. I never told my aunt or anyone else about that dream.


I have many memories about my aunt at that time but none of my parents. My large family included my great-grandmother, grandmother, father, mother, three older brothers, four older sisters, and one younger brother, as well as my aunt and her four daughters. But except for my aunt, I know almost nothing about the others until I reached five or six years old. Five or six large apple trees grew in the expansive back garden. One cloudy day, many girls climbed up those trees. There was a chrysanthemum field in the corner of that same garden. When rain fell, I dimly recall watching a large group of girls open their umbrellas and putting them together to look like a blooming chyrsanthemum. Those girls were probably my older sisters and female cousins.


I clearly remember turning six or seven. A nursemaid called Take read books to me. We read many books together. Take was obsessed with my education. I was sickly and read many books while in bed. If I ran out of books to read, she borrowed children's books from the Sunday school in the village and let me read them. I remember silently reading them. No matter how many I read, I never got tired. Take also taught me morals. She often took me to the temple to show and explain Oekakeji about hell and paradise. A person who sets fires carries a blazing basket on his back. The body of a man with a mistress is wrapped by a green snake with two heads and is suffocated. When you reach places like a lake of blood, a mountain of pins, and Avichi, a deep hole with no known bottom enveloped by white smoke, pale, thin people slightly open their mouths and cry out. If you tell a lie, you go to hell and your tongue is cut out for a demon. When I heard these things, I got so scared I cried.


Behind the temple was a small, elevated graveyard. Many stupa shrines were erected like a forest along the hedges of flowers like roses. A black iron ring like a wheel as big as the full moon was attached to each stupa. The ring clattered as it turned. Take told me if the ring comes to a standstill and does not move again, the person who turned it goes to paradise. If it stops and begins to turn in the opposite direction, the person goes to hell. When Take turned, a pleasant sound was raised as it turned for a short time and it always quietly stopped. However, by chance, when I turned it, the ring went in reverse. I remember going to the temple alone one autumn and turning one of those metal rings. And one day it clattered and turned in reverse as everyone said. While suppressing a fit of rage about to erupt, I persisted in turning it dozens of times. Nightfall came and I left the graveyard in despair…


My parents were living in Tokyo at that time, so my aunt took me there. I spent a fairly long time in Tokyo, but remember almost nothing. I only remember an old woman visiting the other house in Tokyo once in a while. I disliked this old woman and cried each time she came. She gave me a toy red postal car but I never enjoyed playing with it.


Eventually, I entered grade school in my hometown. My memory changes about that. Before I knew it, Take disappeared and went to become a wife in some fishing village. Was she worried I would follow her? Without a word to me, she suddenly disappeared. During the Obon Festival the next year, Take came to my house but I gave her the cold shoulder. She asked about my grades, but I didn't answer. I would have told anyone else. Take said, "Overconfidence leads to failure," and never praised me much.


Around that time, I had to leave with my aunt. Previously, my aunt's second daughter married, and her third daughter died. Her oldest daughter married a dentist who was adopted into her family. My aunt and her youngest daughter went to live with this daughter and her husband, who established a branch family in a town far away. I went, too. It was winter when I was in a sleigh with my aunt and crouched in a corner. Before the sleigh began to move, my next older brother started to tease me with "You're the son-in-law. The son-in-law," and poked my ass some number of times from outside the sleigh's hood. I clenched my teeth to bear this humiliation. I thought I was staying with my aunt but returned to my hometown to go to school.


After I started school, I was no longer a child. Weeds grew thick at the vacant mansion out back, but one nice summer day, I learned a tough lesson from the babysitter of my younger brother in the mansion's grassy field. I think I was around eight, and the babysitter was older than fourteen or fifteen. The plant called mokushuku was called bokusa in the countryside where I'm from. The babysitter ordered my brother, who's three years younger than me, to go and get four bokusa flowers and then hugged me and rolled all around. From then on, we hid and played in the storehouse and in closets. My brother was a great pest. My brother cried and cried when left alone outside the closet. Sometimes my next older brother would find us. My older brother listened to my younger brother and opened the closet door. The babysitter calmly said she dropped a zeni coin in the closet.


I lied all the time, too. During the Doll's Festival in second or third grade, I lied to the teacher and said I was told to go home early to dress the dolls that day. I went home without staying in class for an hour. And I told the people at home that I had the day off from school because of the Momo no Sekku doll display and wasn't needed to help take the dolls out of the boxes. I loved birds' eggs. When I removed roof tiles from the storehouse, I always collected a lot of sparrow's eggs. Eggs from sakuradori and eggs from crows didn't roll onto my roof. Students at school gave me eggs with streaks that looked like they were burned on and funny looking spotted eggs. In exchange, I gave them five to ten books from my book collection. I wrapped the eggs I collected in cotton and filled a drawer of my desk with them. The brother just older than me sensed I had a secret drawer. One night, he said he forgot a book of Western fairy tales and another book and asked to borrow them. I hated this brother's spitefulness. He didn't know I invested those two books in eggs. If I said I didn't have them, he would find out where they were. I said I definitely had them and would look for them. Of course, I took a lamp to search my room and walked around the entire house. My brother followed me and laughed when he said, "They're not here." I kept insisting they were. I even climbed on the kitchen cupboards to look. Finally, my brother gave up.


The compositions I wrote in school can be said to be total nonsense. I worked hard to depict myself as a docile boy. If I did, everyone would always applaud me. I even plagarized. "My Little Brother's Shadow Picture" was said by my teachers at the time to be a masterpiece. I picked it from some boys' magazine and stole the whole thing. My teacher made me write a clean copy using a brush and displayed it. Later, a book-loving student found out. I prayed for his death. At that time, one work called "Autumn Nights" was praised by all of the teachers. It was a short piece.

I was studying until my head hurt and went out to the veranda and looked across the garden. On the beautiful moonlit night, many carp and goldfish played in the pond. I stared in a dream at the quiet scene in the garden. The laughing voices of my mother and aunts burst from the adjoining room. I suddenly noticed my headache was cured.

Not one truth was in it. I definitely took the description of the garden from my older sisters' composition books. First of all, I remembered absolutely nothing when I studied so hard my head hurt. I hated school and never studied my schoolbooks. I only read books for pleasure. As for the people at my house, if I was reading a book, they thought I was studying.












However, the result was writing the truth was not necessarily good. When I wrote my about my grievance of my parents not loving me, I was summoned to the teachers' room and scolded by the head teacher.

Given the topic of "If war starts," I wrote:

If the war is going to be more frightening than a father who's scarier than earthquakes or lightning, first, you should escape to the mountains. After fleeing, you should invite a teacher. The teacher is human, and I am human, and we have the same fear of war.

That time, the principal and the most senior teacher ganged up to investigate me.

They asked me, "What were you feeling when you wrote that?" I said, "I wrote it half joking." Then they said, "That is an irresponsible trick."

The senior teacher wrote Curiosity in his notebook. From then on, the senior teacher and I had a little talk.

"You wrote the teacher is human and I am human, but isn't everyone the same human?"

I answered without hesitation, "I think so."

I said little.

Then he asked me, "If the principal and I are the same humans, then why are our salaries different?"

I thought for a while then answered, "Isn't that because you have different jobs?"

The narrow-faced senior teacher put on his eyeglasses and wrote what I said in his notebook. After that, I felt good about this teacher. Then he asked me, "Are your father and I the same humans?" I was perplexed and didn't answer.


My father was a very busy man and rarely home. Even when home, he wasn't with the children. I feared my father. I wanted my father's fountain pen but never said so. I agonized alone over various matters. One night, I was talking in my sleep in bed with my eyes shut. I softly called, "Fountain pen. Fountain pen," to my father in conversation with a guest in the adjoining room. Naturally, it didn't seem to enter my father's ears or heart. When my younger brother and I went inside the huge rice granary packed with bags of rice and played, my father stood in a wide stance at the entrance and shouted, "Get out of here. You brats." The huge shadow of my father with the light behind him looked black. Even now I think about my terror at that time and feel horrible.





I wasn't close to my mother either. I was raised on the milk of a wet nurse and grew up at the bosom of my aunt. I did not know my mother until I was in second or third grade. A manservant was the go-between and told me that. One night, my mother, who slept nearby, was suspicious of the movement under my futon and asked, "What are you doing?"

I was confused and said, "My stomach hurts and I'm massaging it."

My mother said sounding tired, "In that case, massaging it is good, but you're just tapping it."

I said nothing and stroked my stomach for a short time. Many of the memories of my mother are wretched. I took my older brother's Western-style clothes from the storehouse, put them on, and strolled aimlessly around the back garden. As I walked, I hummed an improvised song filled with sadness and teared up. I wanted to play with the clerk while dressed in that attire and called a maid. The clerk didn't come. I waited while stroking my clattering shoe tip against the bamboo fence. My foot finally got a cramp and I cried out with both hands in the pockets of the pants. My mother saw me crying and for some reason stripped off those clothes and slapped by butt. I was so ashamed I could have killed myself.


From early on, I had a deep interest in clothes. I could not accept not buttoning the button on the shirt collar. I loved white flannel shirts. The neckband of my undershirt had to be white. I carefully inspected one or two parts of the white collar at my neck. On the evening of the harvest moon, all the students in the village wore formal clothes and went to the school. Every year, however, I wore a kimono with thick brown stripes for sleeping and daintily ran like a girl through the narrow halls of the school. I was stealthily giving people a sense of my style. The people in my house said I had the worst appearance among the brothers. I think everyone would laugh when they found out that bad aspect was my style. Instead, I behaved with indifference to clothes and was successful to some degree. To anyone's eyes, I was certainly seen as the dimwitted brute. When I sat before a tray for a meal with my brothers, my grandmother and mother often seriously spoke about the bad aspects of my face, which of course was mortifying to me. I believed I had good points. I went to the maids' room to ask in a roundabout way who's the best of the brothers. The maids mostly said my oldest brother was the best and I, Ji-chan, was next. My face reddened and I was a little dissatisfied. I wanted them to say I had more good points than my oldest brother.


Not only my looks, my grandmother was not pleased with my awkwardness. She warned me about the way I held my chopsticks everytime I ate and said seeing my butt rise up when I bowed was difficult to watch. Despite having to sit properly in the presence of my grandmother and being made to bow again and again, no matter how many times she saw me bow, she never told me it was good.


My grandmother was hard on me. When the Jakusaburo Troupe from Tokyo opened in the village theater, I never missed a performance. My father build that theater, and I could sit there and watch for free forever. When I got home from school, I immediately changed into a comfortable kimono, hung a fine silver chain attached to a small pencil on my obi sash, and ran to the theater. This was the first time I learned about kabuki. I was excited and tears flowed countless times while I watched. After the performance, I gathered my younger brother and other young relatives to create a theater group and put on our own play. I've always loved this kind of entertainment. I gathered the manservants and maids to listen to old tales or to watch pictures using a magic lantern or moving pictures. One time, I arranged for the three performances of Yamanaka Shikanosuke, Hato no Ie (The Pigeon's House), and a Kappore comic dance. I dramatised a story I lifted from a boys' magazine about Yamanaka Shikanosuke encountering his follower called Hayakawa Ayunosuke at a tea shop on the banks of a valley river. I played Yamanaka Shikanosuke but took great pains to turn the long words into the seven-and-five syllabic meter of kabuki.


The Pigeon's House is a long novel I've read many times and am always brought to tears. A particularly sorrowful part is the end of the second act. In Kappore, the Jakusaburo Troupe always danced all out backstage after the final curtain, and I danced, too. We rehearsed for five or six days and staged the performances in the wide corridor to the library. We set up a small stage curtain. We made the preparations during the day. But my grandmother's chin was snagged by the wire for drawing back the curtain. She accused us of trying to kill her with the wire and told us to stop acting like filthy riverbank actors. Nevertheless, that night, we gathered a dozen or so manservants and maids to watch our play. But when I thought about my grandmother's words, my heart was overwhelmed. I played the boy in Yamanaka Shikanosuke and The Pigeon's House and danced the Kappore but despaired when I was unable to be enthusiastic. Sometimes, I put on plays like Ushinusubito (The Cow Thief), Sarayashiki (The Dish Mansion), and Shuntokumaru. And each time my grandmother was disgusted.


I didn't like my grandmother but I appreciated her on nights I couldn't sleep. From the third or fourth grade in grammar school, I had trouble sleeping. At two or even three at night, I could not sleep and often cried in bed. People suggested various sleeping cures: licking salt before going to bed, or counting the ticks of the clock, or cooling my feet with water, or laying the leaves of a silk tree on my pillow. Sadly, they had no effect. I was distressed and sleeping was not simple because I worried repeatedly about various matters. Once I was fiddling with my father's eyeglasses and cracked the lens. I remember having trouble sleeping for several nights. I often went to buy a few books at the small haberdashery next door. One day, I looked at the frontispiece of a woman's magazine and wanted the watercolor painting of a yellow mermaid on the page and thought about stealing it. If I quietly ripped the page from the magazine, the young owner would curse that kid Osamu and hurl that magazine with a bang to the store's tatami floor and come flying to my house and glare at me over that botched job.


I fretted without reason over fires breaking out while I slept. I didn't sleep while pondering what if this house caught fire. Several nights, I went to the toilet before going to bed. In the pitchblack office separated by one hallway from the toilet, a houseboy was alone watching a moving picture. It was a polar bear flying off an ice cliff and into the sea. The movie flickered greatly like a matchbox inside the room. I peeked in and thought the houseboy felt unbearable sadness. From bed, my heart thumped when I thought about that moving picture. I thought about the houseboy's future and worried and worried about what would happen if the film in the projector caught fire. I couldn't doze off that night until dawn neared. I appreciated my grandmother on nights like that.


A maid put me to bed around eight in the evening and had to stay by my side until I fell asleep. I felt bad for her and immediately feigned sleep after getting into bed. I remember the maid slipping away from my bed. I had every intention of falling asleep. I tossed and turned in bed until around ten and then whimpered and got up. Almost everyone else in the house was asleep by that time. Only my grandmother was awake. My grandmother talked with the elderly night watchman across the large open hearth in the kitchen. Wearing my quilted kimono, I entered the room and listened to their conversation while sulking. They always gossiped about the villagers. Late one night one fall, while listening to their whispers, I heard the loud bangs of taiko drums of the Mushi Okuri (send off the bugs) Festival echoing from faraway. I never forgot thinking, oh, many people are still awake.


I remember the sounds. In those days, my oldest brother was attending college in Tokyo, but came home every summer vacation. His new interest in music and literature spread to the countryside. He studied plays. A one-act play he wrote called Struggle was published in a local newspaper and gained popularity among the young people in town. When he finished, my oldest brother read it to me and my many brothers and sisters. I heard them say they didn't understand, but I understood. I even understood the verse that included the words, The dark night of the final curtain. I thought the title should be Thistle and not Struggle and wrote my opinion in tiny script in a corner of an original manuscript containing mistakes written by my brother. He probably didn't notice and published it without changing the title.


This brother also had a huge record collection. My father was always holding banquets at our home and summoned geisha from far away. From the time I was five or six years old, I remember being hugged by those geisha and their dancing as they sang "Mukashi, mukashi, sono mukashi…" (long ago, long ago, so very long ago) or "Are wa ki no kuni mikan bune…" (that's a ship of oranges from Kinokuni). Saying that, I became familiar with Japanese music before Western music from my older brothers' records. One evening, when I was sleeping, wonderful sounds slipped in from my brothers' room and I raised my head from the pillow. The following day, I woke up early and went to my brothers' room and randomly put on records to listen. I finally found it. The record that got me so excited the previous night I couldn't sleep was Ranchou (orchid butterfly).


Although I was closer to my second oldest brother than the oldest one, the second oldest brother graduated from a business school in Tokyo with honors and returned home to work in our bank. My second oldest brother was treated coldly by the others in our family. I heard that my mother and grandmother said I was the worst one followed by my second oldest brother. The source of his unpopularity was probably his looks. I recall that brother jokingly grumble like he was half making fun of me when he said, "You know, Osamu, I wanted to be born a useless but good-looking man." However, I never noticed anything wrong with my brother's looks. I also believe he is the smartest of all the brothers. This brother drank sake every day and quarrelled with our grandmother. Each time I hid my hatred of this grandmother.


The brother right before me and I were hostile to each other. He clung to various secrets about me, which made me uncomfortable. Also, this older brother and my younger brother were both praised for their good looks. I couldn't stand the pressure I felt from above and below from those two. I finally felt relief when this older brother went to middle school in Tokyo. As the youngest child, my younger brother with his cute face was adored by our mother and father. I never stopped being jealous of him and hit him from time to time only to be scolded by my mother. I resented her. I think I was ten or eleven when my white shirts and undershirts grayed like sesame seeds had been sprinkled in their seams, my younger brother laughed a little so I beat him up. Of course, I became worried and applied some undrinkable medicine to several bumps that raised on his head.


My older sisters adored me. But my oldest sister died. The next sister married. And the other two attended girls' schools in different towns. Because our town didn't have a train, they lived and commuted from a town with a train a little over seven miles away. They traveled by horse-drawn carriage in the summer, by sleigh in the winter, and had no choice but to walk during the snowmelt in the spring and sleet in the fall. During winter vacations, my sisters walked home because they got sick riding sleighs. At those times, I went out to meet them at the edge of the village where lumber was piled up. Even on clear days, the streets were bright from the snow. When I spotted my sisters' lantern light shining from the shadows of the forests of the neighboring village, I hollered through cupped hands, "Ho!"


My oldest sister went to school in a smaller town than the younger one and always had shabbier gifts than the younger one. With red cheeks, my oldest sister once said, "It's nothing," and took out five or six baskets of toy fireworks and gave them to me. I thought my chest tightened that time. Everyone in my family said this sister was awkward.


Until my oldest sister went off to the girls' school, our great-grandmother and she stayed together in a room detached from the main house. I thought she was my great-grandmother's daughter. My great-grandmother died around the time I graduated from grammar school. When I peeked at my shrunken, motionless great-grandmother dressed in a white kimono, I worried the sight of her would be stuck in my eyes for a long time.


A little later, I graduated from grammar school. My family said my body was weak and sent me to the higher grammar school for only one year. If my body strengthened, I would go to middle school. My father said I would be enrolled in a local middle school because my older brothers' health deteriorated when they went to Tokyo to attend school. Although I didn't really want to go to middle school, I wrote that I thought it would be unfortunate if my body weakened; this increased the sympathy from my teachers.


During this time, a town administration was being established in my village, too. That higher grammar school was created through the cooperation and funding of five or six nearby villages and located in a pine forest about one mile from my village. Although I always missed school due to illness, I was the representative of that school and had to work hard to be the best because the higher grammar school gathered the best students from the other towns. As usual, however, I did not study. My conceit in becoming a middle school student would give me the unpleasant feeling of sullying the higher grammar school. I mainly wrote manga during class. When vacations came, I narrated them to the students in different voices. I filled four or five notebooks with my manga. I spent the hour staring at the scenery outside while resting my chin on my hands on the desk.


My seat was beside a window. I smashed a fly against the window glass; it was stuck there for a long time. Many times it entered a corner of my field of view, and I was surprised and thought it was a pheasant or a turtledove. I'd skip class with the five or six students who loved me. We lay down on the shore of a marsh in the back of the pine forest and talked about girls. We hiked up our kimonos to compare the fuzz growing there.

 その學校は男と女の共學であつたが、それでも私は自分から女生徒に近づいたことなどなかつた。私は欲情がはげしいから、懸命にそれをおさへ、女にもたいへん臆病になつてゐた。私はそれまで、二人三人の女の子から思はれたが、いつでも知らない振りをして來たのだつた。帝展の入選畫帳を父の本棚から持ち出しては、その中にひそめられた白い畫に頬をほてらせて眺めいつたり、私の飼つてゐたひとつがひの兎にしばしば交尾させ、その雄兎の脊中をこんもりと丸くする容姿に胸をときめかせたり、そんなことで私はこらへてゐた。私は見え坊であつたから、あの、あんまをさへ誰にも打ちあけなかつた。その害を本で讀んで、それをやめようとさまざまな苦心をしたが、駄目であつた。そのうちに私はそんな遠い學校へ毎日あるいてかよつたお陰で、からだも太つて來た。額の邊にあはつぶのやうな小さい吹出物がでてきた。之も恥かしく思つた。私はそれへ寶丹膏《はうたんかう》といふ藥を眞赤に塗つた。長兄はそのとし結婚して、祝言の晩に私と弟とはその新しい嫂の部屋へ忍んで行つたが、嫂は部屋の入口を脊にして坐つて髮を結はせてゐた。私は鏡に映つた花嫁のほのじろい笑顏をちらと見るなり、弟をひきずつて逃げ歸つた。そして私は、たいしたもんでねえでば! と力こめて強がりを言つた。藥で赤い私の額のためによけい氣もひけて、尚のことこんな反撥をしたのであつた。

Both boys and girls attended that school, and I had not approached any girl student. I was quite horny but suppressed it with all my strength and was frightened of the girls. I was liked by two or three of them but always pretended not to notice. I took a book off my father's bookcase of selected paintings from an art exhibition at the Imperial Academy and stared at a particular drawing hidden inside that was so white I squinted and my cheeks reddened. I made a pet rabbit of mine copulate often. That buck rabbit's back rounded and his heart beat fast. That's how I endured. As a vain man, I never confessed to anyone, not even a masseur. I read about that damage in a book and took great pains to stop, but it was useless. I walked every day to that distant school but got fat. A small eruption like a grainy bubble appeared on my forehead. It embarrassed me. I painted it red with a Chinese medicine called Houtankou. My oldest brother married that year. On the wedding night, my younger brother and I snuck into our new sister-in-law's room. She sat with her back to the entrance to the room to have her hair tied back. I glimpsed her smiling, pale face and dragged my brother away and escaped home. I bluffed as best I could when I said, "It's not important!" My face reddened by the medicine made me self-conscious and even more rebellious.


Winter was coming, and I had to begin studying for the middle school entrance exam. I saw an ad in a magazine and ordered a variety of reference books from Tokyo. However, I only arranged them on the bookshelf and never read any of them. The middle school where I took the entrance exam for was located in the premier town of the prefecture and had two or three times more applicants than the other schools. From time to time, I was attacked by fears of failing. In those moments, I studied. After a week of studying, I was confident I would pass. When I studied, I didn't go to bed until close to midnight and woke up around four in the morning. A maid named Tami stayed by my side while I studied to light the fire and make tea. No matter how late the night, Tami would always come to wake me up at four. I don't have a head for math and when I had trouble with "a mouse had a baby" math problems, Tami quietly read a novel beside me. Later one, an older, stout maid replaced Tami and attended to me but I knew my mother was behind her being there and grimaced at her ulterior motive.


The following spring, while the snow was still piled high, my father coughed up blood and died in a hospital in Tokyo. A local newspaper reported on my father's death in a special edition. Since his death, I was agitated by the sensation of it all. My name appeared in the newspaper mixed in with the names of the bereaved family. My father's corpse was laid in a large coffin, placed on a sleigh, and returned home. I went with many townspeople to a nearby village. I gazed at the hoods of a number of sleighs slipping out from the shadow of the forest under the moonlight and was transfixed.


The next day, the people in my house gathered in the altar room where my father's coffin lay. When they removed the lid from the coffin, a weeping voice rose from everyone. My father seemed to be sleeping. The high bridge of his nose was pale. Hearing everyone crying made my tears flow.


For a month, my house was in a tumult like a fire had broken out. I was caught up in the confusion and failed to study for my entrance exam. I made up mostly nonsense answers for the annual tests at my higher grammar school. I passed and came in third. Evidently, this was kept from my family by the teacher-in-charge. At that time, I already felt a weakening of my memory. I didn't take the preliminary exam and was unable to write anything on the test. That was my first experience of that sort.



My grades weren't good, but that spring, I passed the entrance exam to middle school. I dressed in new hakama trousers, black socks, and lace-up shoes. I replaced the blanket I had been using with a cloak stylishly left unbuttoned and open in front to travel to the small city on the sea. I took off my traveling clothes at a dry goods shop in town as a guest of distant relatives. At that shop with the old noren curtain falling off at the entrance, they took good care of me.


By nature, I easily become enthusiastic about anything. After I started school, I'd put on my school cap and hakama trousers to go to the public bath. When I saw my reflection in the window glass along the way, I smiled and gave myself a slight bow.


However, school wasn't the least bit interesting. The school campus was at the edge of town, and the buildings were painted white. Right behind the school was a flat park facing the strait. I could hear the sounds of the waves and the rustling pine trees during class. The halls were wide, and the classroom ceilings were high. All of that made me feel good, but the teachers persecuted me.


Beginning the day of the school entrance ceremony, I was belted by some phys ed teacher. He said I was a smart-aleck. This teacher was in charge of my oral exam when I took the entrance exam. He was kind to me and said I probably hadn't been able to study well because my father had died. I only hung my head. My heart hurt because he was the lone compassionate teacher. Later, I was smacked by various teachers. They'd punish me for a variety of reasons, among them were grinning and yawning. I was told the teachers concluded in the staff room that I yawned too much during class. I found it strange they discussed such nonsense in the staff room.


One day, a student who came from my hometown called me over to the shadows of the sand dunes on campus. He warned me that my attitude came off as cocky and would inevitably lead to beatings. I was astonished. After classes were dismissed that day, I rushed home along the shore and sighed as I walked as waves licked the soles of my shoes. As I wiped the sweat off my forehead with the sleeve of my Western-style uniform, a surprisingly large gray sail passed unsteadily before my eyes.


I felt scattered like flower petals. I shivered when the wind blew a little. I suffered a sort of death if anyone showed me the slightest contempt. I thought I was extraordinary at that time and protected my reputation as a great man. Because of my inability to overlook being underestimated by adults, only the dishonor of failure was fatal. After that, I attended class with great trepidation. During class, I thought a hundred unseen enemies were in the classroom and I could not be the least bit careless. Just before leaving home each morning, I arranged playing cards on top of my desk to tell my fortune for the day. Hearts meant excellent luck. Diamonds meant fairly good luck. Clubs meant somewhat bad luck. Spades meant very bad luck. Around that time, only spades came up day after day.


Exams were coming soon, and I pushed myself to memorize the textbooks verbatim whether they were natural history, geography, or ethics. This may come from my sink-or-swim fastidiousness. However, this way of studying attracted bad results for me. My studying was not very strict. During a test, if I were inflexible and created good, nearly perfect answers, stumbles in the boring memorization and errors in thought led to a meaninglesly sullied answer sheet.


After the semester ended and I returned home for the first time, I thought my younger brother at home would be eager to hear my brilliant description of my brief experience in middle school. I crammed everything I had worn over the past three or four months and my seating cushion into my wicker suitcase.


When the swaying horse-drawn carriage slipped out of the forest of the neighboring village, a green sea of cultivated paddy fields surrounded me for miles on all sides. The large red roof of my house soared near the end of the paddy fields. I felt like I had not seen this place in ten years.


I had no special feelings about that month of vacation. I boasted about my middle school to my little brother and spoke like it was a dream. To the best of my ability, I gave a confused description of the circumstances of the small city.


I sketched landscapes, collected insects, and ran around the fields and along the mountain streams. I collected ten samples of amazing insects and made watercolor paintings of them on five sheets of paper. That was my vacation homework assigned by the teacher. I carried a butterfly net on my shoulder, had my little brother hold the collection bag containing the tweezers and the poison pot, and spent the summer days chasing cabbage butterflies and grasshoppers. At night, a bonfire burned bright and I knocked down the many insects that came flying in one after another. The brother just above me enrolled in a sculpture course at an art school, and everyday he fiddled with clay under the huge chestnut tree in the courtyard. He made a bust of my sister ahead of me who graduated from a girls' school. From the side, I sketched her face on several sheets of paper. My brother and I disparaged each other's finished work. Our sister became a serious model and on those occasions supported my watercolors. They said this brother was a genius in everything when young. All of my talents were made fun of. They mocked by grammar school compositions, even my sentences. At that time, I simply ridiculed my brother's artistic ability.


One night, he came to where I slept and whispered in my ear, "Osamu, this is a rare creature." He squatted down and gently inserted something wrapped in tissue paper under the mosquito net. My brother knew I collected amazing insects. Inside the wrapping, the struggling legs of an insect made a rustling sound. I understood the love of family in that rustling sound. When I opened the small paper wrapping, my brother said like he was holding his breath, "Run. Ah! Eeyah!" I looked and only saw an ordinary stag beetle. I added this beetle to my collection among the ten species of amazing insects and gave it to the teacher.


I was saddened by the end of vacation. I left my hometown and went to the small city. When I brought my wicker luggage alone to the second floor of the dry goods shop, I was already crying a little. When I felt that sadness, I would go to a bookstore. I ran to a nearby bookstore. My melancholy mysteriously lifted by the sight of the spines of the many publications lined up there. On the bookshelf in a corner of that bookstore were five books I would never buy despite wanting them. Sometimes I stopped to stand before them as if summoned by some spirit; my knees trembled, I snuck a peek at the pages of those books. However, I didn't go to the bookstore only to read articles like some sort of medicine. At those times, any book was rest and recreation to me.


My school studies were no longer fun. The homework of filling in mountain ranges, harbors and ports, and rivers on a blank map was nothing more than a curse. But I became absorbed in activities and spent three or four hours coloring this map. And for history, the teacher ordered us to keep a notebook to record the important points of the lectures. However, the teacher's lectures could be read in the textbook. Naturally, I copied passages from the textbook into the notebook. Nevertheless, I regretted my grades and worked diligently everyday on that homework. With fall came games of various sports with other middles schools in town. Being from the countryside, I had never even seen a baseball game. I recalled words from novels like bases loaded, attack shot, and center field. I remember watching the game but wasn't very enthused. Not only for baseball, I was required to cheer on the players as a member of the cheering squad for the away games for tennis and judo at other schools. But all of this simply made life in middle school worse. The cheering squad leader was a dirty-looking guy who carried a Hinomaru folding fan. When he climbed up the small hill at the corner of the campus to speak, the students enjoyed saying he looked filthy or mangy. During games, the squad leader waved the fan from time to time and shouted, "Everybody stand up!" We stood and while waving small, purple, triangular flags in unison, chanted our support song, "The enemy's good! The enemy's good! Be brave!" That embarrassed me. I looked for an opening and fled the squad for home.


However, I had no excuse for lacking in experience with sports. My face turned blue black, and I believed that was caused by my customary massage. I got upset when people talked about the color of my complexion like it indicated some secret of mine. I wanted my complexion to improve and began playing sports.


For a very long time, I was pained by my complexion. Around my forth or fifth year in grammar school, I heard about the concept of democracy from the brother just older than me. Even my mother complained to guests that democracy increased taxes and most of the cultivated rice is taken as tax. I was slightly confused by her ideas. During the summer while I helped the manservants mow the grass in the garden and during the winter while I helped clear snow off the roof, I taught the concept of democracy to the manservants. In the end, I figured out they weren't very happy with my help. After I mowed the grass, they had to mow it again. In the shadow of helping the manservants, I planned to improve my complexion. Despite so much hard work, my complexion did not improve.


After I entered middle school, I planned to improve my complexion through sports. When it was hot, I always swam in the ocean on the way home from school. I liked swimming the breaststroke where I spread both arms wide like a tree frog. Because my head broke through the water while swimming, I could gaze at the fine stripes of undulating waves, the green leaves on the shore, and the clouds flowing by. I raised my head as high as I could like a turtle and stretched as I swam. I wanted my face to get a little closer to the sun to quickly get sunburned.


Also, behind the house where I slept was an expansive cemetary. I built a 100-meter, straight running course there and ran the course alone with great determination. The cemetary was surround by tall poplar trees. When I tired from running, I strolled around reading the characters on the stupa shrines of verses I remember to this day, like The moon penetrates the abyss and All three worlds in one mind. One day, I was excited by the discovery of the posthumous name Jakusho Useiryoukoji on a tombstone blackened by moisture and overgrown with liverworts. I used my index finger covered in mud to feebly write, as if scrawled by a ghost, words suggested by a French poet of Now, I am underground playing with the maggots on a paper white lotus flower adorning the front of that tomb. On the following evening, I visited the grave marker I wrote on before starting my exercise. That morning, there had been a sudden shower. A spirit literally caused a relative to cry and cleanse the grave. Not a trace of my writing remaind, and the white lotus flower was torn in places.


I enjoyed this sort of thing and became adept at running. The muscles in my legs swelled and rounded. But my complexion did not improve. A muddy blue color giving off a creepy impression settled at the base of my dark skin.


I was interested in my face. When I tired of reading, I took out a handheld mirror, smiled, knitted my eyebrows, rested my chin in my hand, and my thoughts darken. I stared without my face reddening. I found the facial expression always able to make people laugh. When I narrowed my eyes, wrinkle my nose, and narrowed and pout my mouth, I became cute like a bear. When I felt dissatisfied or confused, I made that face. My next older sister was hospitalized in the internal medicine department of the prefectural hospital. When I visited her, she held her stomach as she turned over on the bed to face me. Because my sister lived in the hospital with a middle-aged maid who accompanied her from our home, she was lonely. When she heard my footsteps lazily walking down the long hospital corridor, she became playful. My footsteps were louder than ordinary. I was young and if I hadn't visited for a week, my sister had the maid fetch me. If I didn't go, the maid with a serious look on her face would tell me her temperature is rising and her condition is not good.


Around that time, I was already fifteen or sixteen. The blue veins on the back of my hand seemed faintly transparent. My body also felt strangely ponderous. I shared a secret love with a small, dark-skinned student in the same class. We walked home together from school. When our pinkies grazed, we both blushed. Sometimes we walked home by the back street. The student found a newt floating in a ditch in the field grow over green and blue with dropwort and chickweed and without saying a word, scooped it up and gave it to me. Although I hated newts, I was so happy I wrapped it in my handkerchief. I carried it home and released it in the small lake in the garden. The newt wiggled its small head to swim around. But by the next morning, it had escaped and was gone.


I possessed a high level of conceit; therefore, the idea of revealing my thoughts to a companion was foolish. I hardly ever spoke to that student. Around the same time, I noticed the thin female student who lived next door. But when I met her on the street, I'd quickly turn my face away like I was making fun of her. A fire broke out one night during the fall. I woke up and went outside. Sparks flew in the shadow of a nearby shrine. The shrine's cedar forest was pitch black as if engulfed by flames. Many small birds were wildly flying around like fallen leaves. I knew the girl in her white nightclothes was watching me from the gate of her house next door, but I watched the fire making sure she only saw my profile. I believed my face glimmered with beauty as the side of my face was bathed in the red light of the flames. Because of my disposition, I was unable to negotiate further progress with the previous student or this girl student. However, I should have been more courageous when alone. Looking at my smiling face in a mirror with one eye shut, I carved thin lips with a pocketknife on the desktop and placed my lips there. Later, I painted these lips with red ink, but a dark feeling of disgust strangely came over me and I obliterated the lips with the knife.


One spring morning during my third year, I felt lightheaded for a short time on the way to school and grabbed onto the cylindrical handrail stained red. A river wide like the Sumida River was slowly flowing under the bridge. I never had the experience of feeling dizzy in the past. I felt a man was being watching me from behind and struck certain poses for some time. To each of my actions, he was bewildered and stared at his hands or watched while scratching the back of his ear but soon concocted an explanation. He was not convinced my actions were spontaneous or instinctive. After my senses returned on the bridge, I was unsettled by loneliness. When I had those feelings, I thought about my past and my future. Stumbling over the bridge, I recalled various events and daydreamed. In the end, I sighed and thought, Maybe, I'll be a great man. Around that time, I began to get anxious. I was dissatisfied with everything and trapped in an empty struggle. A multitude of masks stuck to me. I could not perceive how sad each one was? I finally discovered an outlet for this sadness. It was creativity. There were many others like this. I thought everyone, like me, stared at trembling for no reason.


My secret desire was to become an author, to become a writer. That year, my younger brother entered middle school and lived in my room. I talked with my brother and gathered together five or six friends at the beginning of summer to produce a club magazine. A large publishing house was diagonally across the street from the house I lived in, and I relied on them. The cover was beautifully printed by lithograph printing. We distributed the magazine to our classmates. I produced one magazine a month. At first, I wrote a novel with the air of a philosopher contemplating morality. One or two fragmented essays were triumphs. This magazine lasted about one year. It became a point of disagreement with my oldest brother.


My oldest brother worried about my enthusiasm for literature and sent a long letter from home. He wrote from his heart that the perfect keys are given in the equations in chemistry and theorems in geometry and their understanding, but not in literature. Allowing for age, he said if expertise about the environment is not achieved, a reasonable understanding of literature becomes impossible. I thought so, too. And I believed I am the sort of person who was given license. I immediately wrote back. I told him I believe what he said is true and I was happy to have such a fine brother. However, I was not neglecting my studies for literature. The reason was I study even harder. I wrote with exaggerated emotion mixed in here and there.


I had intimidating thoughts like you must surpass the masses, but, in truth, I studied. After entering my third year, I was always at the top of my class. It was hard to be first in class without being called a grade grubber. I did not accept this ridicule and learned techniques to tame my classmates. Even the captain of the judo team, nicknamed Octopus, obeyed me. A large pot for wastepaper stood in the corner of the classroom. Occasionally, if I pointed to it and said, "Octopus, can you get in the pot?" Octopus stuck his head inside and laughed. His laughter echoed to produce bizarre sounds. The good-looking boys in class hung around me, too. I stuck spots of adhesive plaster cut into the shapes of triangles, hexagons, and flowers on the pimples on my face, but nobody laughed at me.


These pimples plagued me. Their number kept growing. When I opened my eyes each morning, I checked the state of my face by patting it with the palm of my hand. I bought different medicines and dabbed them on my face, but they had no effect. When I went to buy medicine at the drugstore, I wrote the name of the medicine on a slip of paper to pretend I was asking if they sold that medicine for someone else. I thought pimples were a sign of sexual desire and was so ashamed everything before my eyes went black. I even thought about dying. The bad reputation of my face reached a peak within my family. My oldest sister who lived in another house warned no woman would become my bride. I diligently applied the medications.


My younger brother also worried about my pimples and often went to buy the medicine in my place. This brother and I hadn't gotten along since we were small. When he took the entrance exam for middle school, I hoped he would fail. But being far from home, I gradually discovered his nice disposition. As my brother got older, he became bashful and quiet. Once in a while, he and I published short literary works in our fanzine, but they were all timid compositions. Unlike me, he constantly fretted over his bad grades. And my sympathy only put him in a bad mood. He was annoyed by a growth the shape of Mt. Fuji swelling on his face into a part of a woman's physique. He was convinced he wasn't smart because his forehead was narrow. I forgave this brother anything and everything. In those days, I either hid everything from people or confessed everything to them. That brother and I confided everything to each other.


One moonless night at the beginning of fall, we went out to the pier of the harbor and commented on a fluttering red thread in the breeze blowing across the strait toward us. A Japanese language teacher at school once told this story in class. An invisible red thread is tied to the little toe of your right foot. The string is smoothly stretched and its other end is tied to the same toe of a girl. No matter how far the two of us are separated, the thread will never break. No matter how close we are, even if we meet on the street, that thread never becomes entangled. This determines the girl who will become your bride. When I first heard this story, I got very excited and immediately told my brother when I returned home. That night, we talked while listening to the sounds of waves and the calls of seagulls. When I asked my brother what is your wife doing now, after shaking the handrail along the pier a few times with both hands, he awkwardly said, "Walking in the garden." I thought the young woman wearing large garden geta clogs, holding a fan, and gazing at the primrose seemed perfect for my little brother. It was my turn, but looking out to the black sea, I only said, "Her obi sash is red." A ferryboat crossing the strait floated out unsteadily from the horizon and looked like a huge inn with its many rooms lit by yellow lights.


I only hid one event from my younger brother. After returning home for summer vacation one year, a petite maid who tied her summer kimono with a red obi sash made me take off my Western-style clothes in an act of violence. Her name was Miyo.



I had the habit of secretly smoking a cigarette in bed and thinking about writing novels. Miyo soon discovered this. One evening, after she spread out my bed, she deliberately placed an ashtray at my bedside. The next morning when Miyo came to clean my room, I told her not to put down an ashtray because my smoking was a secret. Miyo agreed but was a bit cross. During that same vacation, performers came to town to sing ballads accompanied by shamisen. Everyone in my family, including the servants, went to see them at the theater. My younger brother and I were told to go, but we made fun of this show in the countryside and went out to the paddy fields to catch fireflies. We went as far as the trees in the nearby village, but the evening dew was awful. We went home after collecting only about twenty in the basket. The theatergoers came back soon after. I had Miyo pull out the bedding and hang up the mosquito net. We turned off the lantern and freed the fireflies inside the netting. The fireflies fluttered here and there under the net. Miyo stood outside the net and watched for a long time. While lying down next to my little brother, many feelings rose in me toward the amazing figure of Miyo rather than the blue lights of the fireflies. A little stiffly, I asked if the ballads were amusing. I never before asked a maid about anything other than work. Miyo in a hushed tone said no. I burst out laughing. My brother silently pursued a firefly sticking to the hem of the net with a fluttering circular fan. My situation was bad.

From then on, I noticed Miyo. If I thought of the red thread, Miyo's figure rose in my heart.




After becoming a fourth year student, two students came to my room everyday. I treated them to wine and dried cuttlefish and often taught them a lot of nonsense. To shock my friends, I told them wild things. There's a book for kindling charcoal. A book called The Machines of the Beasts written by an up-and-coming author was coated with sticky machine oil and sold in that condition. Isn't that an amazing binding? A translated book called The Good-Looking Friend had woodcut prints here and there. I secretly ordered a printing of my terrible writings on the book's blank pages from a printer I knew. I surprised my friends who said things like, "This book is odd."


Memories of Miyo gradually faded. Also, I felt strangely guilty about how two birds of a feather living in one house thought and were thought of. Usually, women only vilified me. Sometimes, I angered when I thought about my faintly confused heart toward Miyo. Of course, I never spoke about Miyo to my brother or my friends.


Around that time I read a famous, long novel by a Russian author and had second thoughts. The novel was written as the personal history of a lone woman prisoner. In the first step, she failed to resist being seduced by a university student from an aristocratic family who was also the nephew of her husband. I've forgotten the gist of the novel, but I inserted my dried leaf bookmark at the page that described the first kiss they exchanged under lilac flowers in full bloom. I could not read this amazing novel objectively. To me, those two resembled Miyo and me. If now I'm a little brazen, I thought eventually I'd be indistinguishable from that aristocrat. I thought that and my cowardice felt fleeting. This sort of uncomfortable feeling leveled out my past. I believed I wanted to become the brilliant martyr of my life.


I first revealed this to my younger brother. I told him after going to bed at night. I intended to speak with gravity, but this stance I consciously created got in the way and, in the end, I was skittish. I stroked my neck, rubbed my hands together, and began to speak clumsily. I sadly thought about that habit of mine. As my brother gently licked his lower lip, he listened without turning over in his bed and asked with difficulty, "Will you get married?" I was shocked and wondered why he asked. I plainly answered, "I probably will." My brother spoke in an unusually badgering and mature tone that meant maybe I won't. Hearing that, I became aware of my own true attitude. I was offended and furious. I got halfway out of my futon and gently insisted, "Do you want to fight?" My brother's body was curled under his cotton-print futon and seemed to want to say something. He stole a look at me and smiled. I burst out laughing. I reached out to my brother as I said, "Get out." My brother sheepishly stuck out his right hand from the futon. I quietly spoke and while laughing jiggled my brother's weak fingers a few times.



Fortunately, however, when my friends approved of my decisions, this sort of pain vanished. As my friends listened to me, they appeared to be reflecting on various matters. That told me that after I finished, the result would be agreement, which, in fact, was the case.

One summer vacation during my fourth year, two friends returned home with me. For appearance's sake, we were going to begin studying for the high school entrance exams, but I wanted them to see Miyo and forced them to come. I prayed that my friends would not be unpopular with the people at home. The friends of my older brothers were all youths from families of some note even in the provinces.


A large chicken coop was built near an abandoned mansion out back. We studied only during the morning in the guard booth beside it. The exterior of the guard booth was painted white and green. Inside was a room about two square meters with a wooden floor. New varnished table and chairs were precisely arranged inside. There were two wide doors, one each on the east and north sides. A Western-style opening window was placed on the south side. When all the windows were all open, the wind steadily blew in and ruffled out books' pages. As in the past, weeds grew rampant. A dozen or so yellow chicks hid among the weeds.


The three of us enjoyed lunch. Our problem was which maid would come to the guard booth to call us to lunch. If a maid other than Miyo came, we tapped on the table and clicked our tongues to create a racket. When Miyo came, everyone went silent. When Miyo left, we all exhaled at once. One sunny day, my younger brother came to study with us. At noon, we all wondered out loud who would come. Only my brother avoided this conversation and continued memorizing English words while strolling beside the window. We told jokes, flung books around, stomped our feet to make the floor ring. I was a little too rambunctious. I thought my brother wanted to join us. I told him he's been too quiet and gently bit my lips, and stared at him. My brother snapped no and waved his right hand. A couple of the vocabulary cards he held flew off. I was surprised and looked away. I made came to an awkward conclusion. I thought Miyo would be nice to see today. Then I immediately broke down in laughter for no reason.






Happily, the maid who called us for lunch that day was not Miyo. Everyone walked behind me in a line down a narrow path in a bean field that passed by my mother's room. I was cheerful and plucked off many of the beans' round leaves.

I didn't think of it as a sacrificial offering at the beginning. It was simply a bad thing to do. I had them pour mud over a white lilac bush. What made it worse was was the prankster, in particular, was a blood relative.

A few days later, I was troubled by various thoughts. Doesn't Miyo stroll around the garden? She was truly confused about shaking hands with me. In short, shouldn't I have been congratulated? I was not terribly insulted by congratulations.

Around the same time, bad things continued to happen. During lunch one day, I was heading to the lunch table with my brother and friends. Miyo served while fanning us nearby with a fan with a red monkey painted on the side. I secretly gauged Miyo's feeling from the amount of air from that fan. Miyo fanned my little brother more than me. I lost hope, and slammed my fork onto the plate of fried cutlets.

Everyone thought she was bullying me. My friends definitely knew from earlier and were rash in their mistrust of people. I decided on my own it would be best to forget about Miyo.


One morning a few days later, I forgot that I left five or six cigarettes I smoked the previous night in the box and went out to the guardhouse. I remembered later and went back to see. My room had been cleaned, and the box was gone. I accepted the loss. I called Miyo and asked her, like I was scolding her, what happened to the cigarettes and if she found them. Looking serious, Miyo shook her head no. I stretched up to run my hand behind the beams in the room. A small, green paper box with two flying golden bats came out of there.


I regained one hundred times more courage from that incident and was reawakened to my earlier determination. However, I was hobbled by thoughts of my little brother. Because of Miyo, he avoided being boisterous with my friends. He was also afflicted with servile restraint. By choice, he held back any attempt to entice Miyo. I waited for Miyo to reveal her feelings. I gave her a number of opportunities to do so. I frequently called her to a room and to have her to do unneeded tasks. When Miyo came to my room I showed her the careless, relaxed me. To move Miyo's heart, I also paid attention to my face. In those days, the pimples on my face somehow healed. Nevertheless, I put on make-up. I carried a pretty silver compact engraved with long, twisting climbing plant like a vine on its lid. Although it sometimes buried my skin texture, I was simply devoted to it.




I believed, from then on, that Miyo would make up her mind. However, the chance never came. While studying in the guardhouse, I'd slip out from time to time and see Miyo returning to the main house. I spied her sweeping in rough, slapping motions and bit my lip.

Summer vacation soon ended, my brother, my friends, and I had to leave home. I remembered thinking at least a little something remained so I would not be forgotten by the next vacation, I hoped it would grow in Miyo's heart, but I was wrong.

The day to leave arrived. We climbed into our black covered buggy. Miyo stood in line with the household staff in front of the entryway to see us off. Miyo didn't look at my little brother or at me. She only looked down at the yellowish green sash she had taken off and was rolling between her hands like a rosary. Finally, the buggy departed, I deeply regretted having to leave home.


Autumn came, and I left the city with my little brother to go by train to the hot springs on the coast about thirty minutes away. After my mother fell ill, my youngest sister rented a house for her to take the hot-spring cure. I stayed there the whole time and continued to study for my entrance exam. My troublesome reputation of being a prodigy required me to display it from my fourth year in middle school until entering high school. During that time, I came to hate school. It was horrible, but as a person being pursued by something, I studied with single-minded determination. I took the train from there to school. Every Sunday, my friends came to pass time with me. I always had a picnic with them. On the flat rocks at the shore, we enjoyed meat stew and drank wine. My brother had a nice voice and knew many new songs. He taught us these songs, and we all sang together. We wore ourselves out fooling around and fell asleep on the rocks. When we woke up, the tide had come in. The rock, which should have been part of the shore, was an island. We felt as though we had not awakened from our dreams.


I was lonely if I didn't see my friends for even one day. During a severe, late-autumn windstorm, I was slapped hard on both cheeks by a teacher at school. My friends were enraged because I was punished for chivalrous behavior. After class that day, all the fourth year students gathered in the museum room to discuss ousting that teacher. The students shouted, "Strike! Strike!" I panicked. I told them not to strike just for me. I didn't hate that teacher. I pleaded with the students to keep the situation simple. My friends called me a coward and selfish. I felt suffocated and left the classroom. I returned to the house at the hot springs and immediately went out to the hot spring. A few pages of Basho were ripped by the winds and dropped into the blue shadows in the tub. While sitting on the edge of the tub, I stopped my breath and sunk into deep thoughts.




When overwhelmed with embarrassing memories, I had the habit of shaking them off by going off alone and grumbling, "Oh well." I'd whisper, "It's simple. It's simple," and imagined my body loafing around here and there. As I scooped up hot water with the palms of my hands, spilled it out, scooped it up, and spilled it out, I repeatedly said, "Oh well. Oh well."

The following day, that teacher apologized to us. In the end, there was no strike. We made up without any trouble, but that mishap depressed me. I often thought about Miyo. I thought that if I didn't see Miyo, I would become depraved.

My mother and sister were returning home from the hot springs cure and would depart on a Sunday. I made seeing them off my pretext for going home. I hid my departure from friends. I didn't even tell the true reason to my little brother. I thought he understood without my saying.




Everyone left the hot springs area and first stayed at the dry goods shop where we had been treated with great kindness. Then my mother, sister, and I went home. When the train left the platform, my little brother, who came to see us off, showed me a framed picture of a green Mount Fuji through the train window and said, "Do your best."

When a horse-drawn carriage passed through the neighboring forest and gradually neared the house, I never calmed down. The day ended, and the sky and mountains went completely black. I listened to the paddy fields rustling in the autumn winds, and my heart rumbled. I gazed endlessly at the darkness outside the window. I was surprised and threw back my head when bunches of eulalia grasses on the side of the road floated up to the white tip of my nose.

Finally, under the dim, gloomy eaves of the entryway, the members of my household greeted them. When the horse-drawn carriage stopped, Miyo also ran noisily from the entryway. Her shoulders were hunched like she was cold.



After sleeping in a room on the second floor that night, I felt extremely lonely. I was tortured by the notion of common people. After Miyo, did I end up becoming a fool? Anyone can think about women. But I'm different, the difference is I can't speak concisely. In my case, there is no vulgarity at all in the meaning. However, isn't this the same for anyone thinking about women? But for me, I was pigheaded while choking on my cigarette smoke. In my case, I have ideas!

That night, I thought about the unavoidable disputes with family members about marrying Miyo and gained the courage of the cold. None of my actions were vulgar. Of course, I firmly believe I am, without a doubt, a considerable unit in this world. Nevertheless, I was terribly lonely. I didn't know where that sadness came from. I was so sad I couldn't sleep, which is why I got those massages. I rid my head of everything about Miyo. I don't feel like I sullied Miyo.


When I woke up in the morning, the autumn skies were clear. I quickly got up and went out to pick grapes in a distant field. I made Miyo carry a large bamboo basket and come with me. I ordered Miyo to be as cheerful as possible in order to not raise anyone's suspicions. The grapevine trellis was in the southeast corner of the field and covered about 356 square feet. When the grapes ripened, the area was enclosed on all sides by reed screens. We opened the small side door in a corner and entered the enclosure. It was pleasantly warm inside. Three or four yellow polistes wasps buzzed as they flew around. The morning sun shined through the grape leaves on the roof and the walls of screens. Miyo appeared to be light green. On the way, I made some plans and smiled with a twisted mouth like a villain. When I saw we were alone, I felt so awkward I ended up feeling morose. I intentionally left the side door open.



I was tall and didn't need a footstool to grab a bunch of grapes and clip them off with a pair of shears. I passed one after the other to Miyo. She deftly used her white apron to wipe the morning dew off of each bunch and place them in the basket. We didn't speak one word. Time felt like an eternity. During that time, I became angry. When the basket was filled with grapes, Miyo snapped back the hand she extended for the bunch passed by me. I pushed the grapes toward Miyo and called out, "Hey!" and clicked my tongue.

Miyo grabbed and pulled with her left hand the root held by her right hand. I heard her cut and eat it, and she squinted her eyes as if blinded by glare. "You dope," I scolded her. Miyo was silent and smiled. I couldn't stand being there any longer. I said, "I have to apply on my medicine," and flew out of there. I returned immediately to the main building. I searched for the ammonia bottle on the medicine shelf in the front desk. I passed the purple glass bottle as roughly as possible to Miyo. I was not going to apply it myself.



That afternoon, I left home rocking on a shabby bus with a new gray roof from a nearby village. My family said to go by horse carriage but the family buggy with its shiny black family crest seemed well suited for a feudal lord. I hated that. I placed the basket of grapes held by Miyo and I on my knees and looked meaningfully at the countryside covered with fallen leaves. I was satisfied. With just that memory, I thought I had done my best to plant a seed with Miyo. I was confident Miyo was sure about me.

The end of winter that year was the final vacation of my years in middle school. As the day to return home neared, both my brother and I felt a little uncomfortable.



Finally, both of us returned home. We sat cross-legged across the stone hearth from each other and restlessly watched the sights in the house. Miyo was not there. Two or three times, our uneasy eyes met. After dinner that day, we were invited by our second oldest brother to come to his room. We played cards around the footwarmer. I only saw black, no matter which card it was. I directly asked my older brother what's happened. While holding five or six cards to cover my face, I said in an earnest tone, "It looks like a maid has left." I decided to be blunt because if my older brother charged at me, fortunately, my little brother was there, too.

Four or five days later, I visited the guardhouse by the chicken coop and asked the young man who was the guard and liked novels for the detailed story. He heard from the other maids that Miyo was defiled once by some manservant and couldn't stand being at my house. The man did other bad things and had gone away by that time. Also, this youth talked a little too much. He added that the man later bragged about Miyo whining, "Stop it! Stop it!"


New Year's passed, and winter vacation would soon come to an end. My little brother and I went to our library to look at various books and scrolls. Through the high bright window, the falling snow seemed to shimmer. As the times changed from my father's generation to my oldest brother's generation, from the decor in each room in the house to the types and books and scrolls changed little by little. Each time I came home, I watched with deep interest. I spread out to look at a scroll recently found by my older brother. It was a painting of bright yellow roses scattered on water. My brother came up to me and held out a large photo box. We scrutinized hundreds of photographs while our fingertips grew cold and we sometimes blew out white breaths. A little later, my brother held out a new photo card to me. I looked and saw a photo of my aunt with three people. It looked like the time Miyo accompanied my mother on a recent visit to my aunt's house. My mother sat by herself on a low sofa, standing side by side behind her were my aunt and Miyo, who looked to be the same height. Behind them was the flower garden covered with blooming roses. We moved our heads a little closer and ran our eyes over that photo. I reconciled, especially in my heart, with my little brother. I still hesitated in telling my brother about Miyo, instead I was able to gaze untroubled at that photo. The contour of Miyo was blurred from her face to her chest like she was moving. My aunt's hands looked radiant with both hands folded on her obi sash. I thought there was a likeness.


The End

  • 思ひ出
  • 著者名: 太宰治
  • 入力:赤木孝之
  • 校正:小林繁雄
  • 翻訳者:シェリー・マーシャル
  • Memories (in Japanese)
  • Author: Osamu Dazai
  • Input by:Akagi Takayuki
  • Revised by:Kobayashi Shigeo
  • Translated by: Shelley Marshall
© 2018 Shelley Marshall