Akutagawa Ryūnosuke's recollections of Natsume Sōseki
Natsume Sensei
Akutagawa Ryūnosuke
始めて先生に會った時、萬歳と云ふことを人の中で言ったことがあるか、ないかと云ふ話が出た。 で僕は、一度もないと言った。さうしたら先生は、誰かの結婚式の時に、萬歳と云ふ音頭をとつて呉れと頼まれて、その時に言ったことがあると言はれた。それからその外に、よくは覺えてゐないが、二三度あると云ふ話であつた。その時、何故萬歳と云ふのが言ひ難いんだらうと云ふ話になって、先生は、人の前で目立つことをするのは極りが悪いからだと言ふ、僕は、それもあるでせうが、一體萬歳と云ふ言葉が、人間が興奮して聲を出す時に、フラアと云ふ言葉のやうに出ないで、萬歳と云ふ言葉の響きが出にくいからなんだらうと言った時、それを先生は断乎として認めなかった。それを僕が強情に言ひ張るもんだから、先生は厭な顔をして黙ってしまって、僕はへこたれたことがある。それ以どうも先生に反感を持たれてゐるやうな気がした。
The first time I met Sensei, he asked whether I have ever said Banzai! along with other people. Well, I said, "Never." Then he asked if I had ever been asked to lead chants of Banzai! at a wedding. There was one time. I don't recall other examples, but there were a few others.
The conversation turned to why it's hard to say Banzai! Sensei said, "It's terribly embarrassing to stand out in front of people."
I said, "That's probably true. The word Banzai! is chanted when people are excited, but it does not come out like the word Hurrah! and has difficulty resonating."
Sensei refused to acknowledge this. Because I stubbornly stuck to that point, Sensei made a disgusted face and said no more. I was discouraged and worried Sensei resented me.
One time, I said, "Even if I wanted to write like Shiga-san, I couldn't."
If I said to Sensei, "How can I write prose like that," he said, "You could write in his style because you'll write as you think while not thinking about how you are writing the prose," and then added, "I can't write like that either."
往来を歩いてみたら、 荷車の馬が車を離れて追かけて来た。で、逃げ出してよその家へ飛び込んだことがあるけれど、その馬は自分を本當に追かけたのか、外の人を追かけたのか、未だに分らないと言はれたことがあった。
He said, "When I tried to walk down the street, a horse pulling a cart got loose and came running at me. Although I fled into a stranger's house, I'm still not sure whether that horse was actually chasing me or someone else."
Masaoka Shiki wrote in Bokujū Itteki (A Drop of Ink) or something like about taking a walk with Sōseki around the rice fields in Waseda and surprised Sōseki didn't recognize rice plants. One time, Sensei brought up that story. He said, "I know rice can grow from plants planted in fields. I also know the things planted in the field are called rice. I just didn't understand the connection between the rice plants before me and rice. Masaoka was arrogant and had not thought logically to that point."
One evening, everyone started to argue fiercely with Sensei. I had no particular thoughts. Kume was worried and asked Komiya-san whether starting that sort of fight with Sensei was advisable. If so, Komiya-san said that was Sensei's forte. He said Sensei enjoyed provoking them into lashing out and defeating them.
Although [Ilyich] Elisieff translated the sensei's work for him, if he asked what is the difference between 庭に出た and 庭へ出た [went out to the garden], Sensei said, "I don't know, either."
The story about a kassod walking staff
Suzuki-san saw the story about the kassod walking staff in Sensei's novel. If he said, "The kassod tree, a hardwood tree, is not a tree that can be cut into walking staffs," Sensei with a serious face replied, "Even though there are machines able to cut it now, there's no reason a kassod tree cannot be cut."
Sensei looked at paintings by Yasui Sōtarō and said, "His precision resembles mine."
Sensei angered over small slights. I once told this story. I heard this from others. Takakusu Junjirō once said to Natsume-san, "Rather than you staying at the university, it would be better for you to leave and become a writer. Sensei immediately looked displeased and said to me, 'Takakusu, it's better for you to not be at the university.'"
When Sensei tried a public bath, a fellow near him dashed himself with plain or hot water. Sensei looked irritated, approached the man, and called him an idiot. He said it but immediately got scared and wondered what to do. He said, "Fortunately, the other man was surprised by my fierce look and apologized. I was saved, too."
At night, if there was a fire somewhere, Sensei would go to watch. Despite a detective setting up a cordon, he got caught up. The detective asked, "Where did you come from?"
Although if he said he came from near the scene of the fire and surely came from the other side, if he said from near the house he surely came from here, and if he said he came from the house across the way and came dancing here, the detective said, "Wait over there." Because things like timber were piled up over there, he ran there and waited.
While he was thinking it would be amusing to go to the police, someone was caught and brought over. When Sensei was told, "I already said you could go." However, because he thought he'd like to go to the police, if he asked the detective whether he could stay a little longer, he was told that was fine and came dancing.
骨董を集めるのが好きで、あるものを買ったが、その字が讀めなくて、聞いたら、 專賣特許と云ふ字だった。
He enjoyed collecting antiques. Once, he bought something but could not read the characters. He asked and was told the characters meant exclusive sales license.
I'm sure it was New Year's. Chestnuts were placed on Sensei's tray. He suffered from diabetes and never ate sweets. However, while eating those chestnuts, he said, "My wife thinks sweets are only candies, and other foods aren't a problem," and sheepishly ate.
Shimazaki Ryū's story
Sensei said Rodin is an imposter and a guy who seemed to have pickpocketed de Maupassant.
The End