First Draft - The Nose

This is the classic short story by Akutagawa Ryunosuke about a guy with a big nose.


The Nose

Akutagawa Ryunosuke


There wasn’t a soul in Ike-no-o who didn’t know about Zenchi Naigu’s nose. It was six to seven inches long and hung down from above his upper lip to below his chin. Its shape had the same thickness at the base and the tip. In other words, his nose was shaped like a long, narrow sausage and dangled limply from the center of his face.

 五十歳を越えた内供は、沙弥《しゃみ》の昔から、内道場供奉《ないどうじょうぐぶ》の職に陞《のぼ》った今日《こんにち》まで、内心では始終この鼻を苦に病んで来た。 勿論《もちろん》表面では、今でもさほど気にならないような顔をしてすましている。 これは専念に当来《とうらい》の浄土《じょうど》を渇仰《かつぎょう》すべき僧侶《そうりょ》の身で、鼻の心配をするのが悪いと思ったからばかりではない。 それよりむしろ、自分で鼻を気にしていると云う事を、人に知られるのが嫌だったからである。 内供は日常の談話の中に、鼻と云う語が出て来るのを何よりも惧《おそ》れていた。

From his days as a Buddhist acolyte to his rise to his current position of a priest in attendance at the Imperial court, Naigu, now older than fifty, always felt the pain of having this nose. Naturally, on the surface, he appeared unconcerned. He not only believed it was ghastly to worry about his nose when a Buddhist priest should revere the future Paradise in his devotion, he also hated the thought of others knowing he was distressed by his nose. Nothing scared Naigu more than the mention of noses in everyday conversations.

 内供が鼻を持てあました理由は二つある。 ——一つは実際的に、鼻の長いのが不便だったからである。 第一飯を食う時にも独りでは食えない。 独りで食えば、鼻の先が鋺《かなまり》の中の飯へとどいてしまう。 そこで内供は弟子の一人を膳の向うへ坐らせて、飯を食う間中、広さ一寸長さ二尺ばかりの板で、鼻を持上げていて貰う事にした。 しかしこうして飯を食うと云う事は、持上げている弟子にとっても、持上げられている内供にとっても、決して容易な事ではない。 一度この弟子の代りをした中童子《ちゅうどうじ》が、嚏《くさめ》をした拍子に手がふるえて、鼻を粥《かゆ》の中へ落した話は、当時京都まで喧伝《けんでん》された。 ——けれどもこれは内供にとって、決して鼻を苦に病んだ重《おも》な理由ではない。 内供は実にこの鼻によって傷つけられる自尊心のために苦しんだのである。

There were two reasons why Naigu found his nose hard to handle. The length of his nose was actually inconvenient. First of all, when eating a meal, he could not eat alone. If he ate alone, the tip of his nose would touch the food in the bowl. Therefore, Naigu had a disciple sit on the other side of the dining table and lift up his nose with a plank, about one-inch wide and two-and-a-half-inches long, while he ate. However, eating a meal was never an easy task for the disciple holding up the nose or for Naigu whose nose was being held up. According to a well-known story that even spread to Kyoto at the time, a twelve-year-old servant once substituted for the disciple. His hand shook the moment he sneezed and the nose fell into the rice porridge. However, this was not the most serious reason why Naigu was pained by his nose. The truth was Naigu suffered because this nose hurt his pride.

 池の尾の町の者は、こう云う鼻をしている禅智内供のために、内供の俗でない事を仕合せだと云った。 あの鼻では誰も妻になる女があるまいと思ったからである。 中にはまた、あの鼻だから出家《しゅっけ》したのだろうと批評する者さえあった。 しかし内供は、自分が僧であるために、幾分でもこの鼻に煩《わずらわ》される事が少くなったと思っていない。 内供の自尊心は、妻帯と云うような結果的な事実に左右されるためには、余りにデリケイトに出来ていたのである。 そこで内供は、積極的にも消極的にも、この自尊心の毀損《きそん》を恢復《かいふく》しようと試みた。

The townspeople of Ike-no-cho were happy about Naigu's freedom from secular matters because he possessed that nose. Anyone would believe no woman would become his wife because of his nose. Some commented that his nose drove him to become a priest. However, Naigu did not believe that being a priest meant his nose rarely bothered him. Naigu's pride was sensitive because he was affected by this fact of marriage. Therefore, he tried actively and passively to recover from this injury to his pride.


First of all, Naigu thought, There must be a way to make this long nose look shorter. When no one was around, he'd feverishly stare at the reflection of his face in a mirror from various angles. By merely changing the position of his face, he saw nothing that gave him peace of mind. He didn't see one instance of a shorter nose that satisfied him. Other times, he was pained when his nose looked longer. Then Naigu put the mirror away in a box and sighed as if this time had been the first time and reluctantly returned to his sutra desk to continue reading the Kannon Gyo Sutra.


From then on, Naigu worried endlessly about people's noses. Ike-no-o Temple often held lectures given by priests. Priests and monks continued to stand without gaps inside the temple. The temple monks in the public bath boiled hot water everyday. Consequently, a huge variety of priests and laymen came and went there. Naigu patiently searched their faces. He wanted the reassurance of finding just one person with a nose like his. Naigu's eyes did not see the everyday navy blue, silk garments worn by nobility or the thin, single-layer white kimonos. His eyes were accustomed to apricot-colored hats and jet-black sacred robes and watched humbly without revealing their ability. Naigu did not see people only their noses. However, even among the aquiline noses, he did not discover one nose like his own. Accompanying these repeated failures, Naigu's heart gradually felt displeased. When Naigu conversed with others, in spite of himself, he would pinch the tip of his dangling nose and cause his face to redden inappropriately. This act evoked total displeasure in him.


Finally, Naigu thought he would discover people with noses like his own in the Buddhist sutras and apocryphal writings and, at least, gain some comfort. However, none of the Buddhist scriptures wrote about the monk Maudgalyayana and the disciple Sariputra having long noses. Naturally, the Buddhist philosophers Nagarjuna and Asvaghosa were saints possessing average noses. When Naigu heard that the introduction to the stories of Cinasthana mentioned the long ears of Lui Bei (Ryu Gentoku), founder of the state of Shu Han in the days of the Three Kingdoms, he wondered how much would his own discouragement disappear if that were a nose.


While Naigu half-heartedly struggled, needless to say, he again purposely tried methods to actively shorten his nose. He did almost everything possible in this respect. He tried boiling and drinking snake gourd, and rubbing mouse urine on his nose. But no matter what he did, his nose hung down, as always, six or seven inches long and drooping below the top of his lip.


One autumn, a monk disciple who went to Kyoto on business for Naigu learned about a method for shortening a long nose from a doctor acquaintance. Originally, that doctor crossed over from China and became a monk who now served at the Choraku-ji Temple.


As always, Naigu put on an air of indifference about his nose and deliberately did not say he would try the method right away. On the other hand, at each meal, in a carefree tone, he spoke as if pained by the inconvenience he caused the disciple. Naturally, the disciple persuaded him with all his heart that he was waiting for Naigu to try this method. The disciple wasn't unaware of Naigu's scheme. Rather than creating antipathy toward him, the feeling that Naigu adopted this sort of scheme evoked sympathy in the disciple monk. As Naigu expected, the disciple monk spoke highly of the method and suggested he try it. And as expected, in the end, Naigu followed his fervent recommendation.



The method was to simply boil the nose in hot water then have it stepped on by another. It was extremely simple.

Hot water was boiled every day in the temple's public bath. Therefore, the disciple monk promptly poured water so hot he couldn't touch it with his finger into a sake decanter. But he feared Naigu's face would be burned by a flow of steam when he inserted his nose into the decanter. Therefore, the disciple cut a hole for his nose in a lacquered wooden tray to be used as a cover for the decanter. Even if Naigu dunked only his nose in hot water, his face wouldn't heat up at all.





The disciple monk said, "It'll soon be boiled."

Naigu gave a wry smile. He only listened because he thought no one was aware of the talk about his nose. His nose was steamed by the hot water and itched terribly like being devoured by fleas.

When Naigu poked his steamed nose through the hole in the tray, the disciple monk began to stamp his nose forcefully with both feet. Naigu turned on his side. As he stretched his nose on the floor, he watched the disciple's feet moved up and down before his eyes. From time to time, the disciple's expression looked sorrowful. While looking down at Naigu's bald head, he said things like "Does it hurt? The doctor stressed the importance of stepping on it. Well, it probably hurts."




Naigu shook his head to indicate it didn't hurt. But his head didn't move the way he expected because his nose was being stepped on, so he used an upward glance. Naigu stared at the chapped skin on the disciple's feet and sounding irritated replied, "It does not hurt."

In fact, because a terribly itchy part of his nose was being stomped on, he felt pleasant relief from the itchiness.




After being stepped on for some time, bumps the size of millet seeds began to erupt on his nose. It looked exactly like small bird plucked of its feathers and shaped like a roasted pig. When the disciple saw this, he stopped and, as if talking to himself, he said, "He said to remove them with tweezers."

Naigu puffed out his hollow cheeks and silently left the task to the disciple. Naturally, he understood the kindness of the disciple. Despite that knowledge, he was displeased with his nose being treated like an object. Naigu made a face like a patient being operated on by an untrustworthy doctor. He stared at the fat reluctantly pulled from the pores on his nose by the tweezers manipulated by the disciple. The fat was shaped like the stem of a bird's wing and reduced the nose's length by just one quarter.

 やがてこれが一通りすむと、弟子の僧は、ほっと一息ついたような顔をして、  ——もう一度、これを茹でればようござる。




When this eventually ended, the disciple monk made a face like he was taking a breath of relief and asked, "Should we boil it one more time?"

Of course, Naigu knitted his brow and looked displeased with the disciple's words.

When he boiled his nose a second time, of course, it became unusually short. His natural aquiline nose did not change much. As Naigu stroked his shorter nose, he timidly peeked with embarrassment at the mirror brought to him by the disciple.



The nose — that nose that hung below his chin — mostly shriveled up like it had all been a lie. The nose maintained its cowardly prominence slightly above his upper lip. The red blotches spotting his nose here and there were probably marks left by the stomping. Even so, no one would laugh. Naigu's face in the mirror looked at Naigu's face outside the mirror and winked in satisfaction.

However, that day was still one day, and he worried whether his nose would grow back again. Therefore, when Naigu read the sutras or ate a meal, at any break, he would reach out his hand to touch the tip of his nose. But his nose was well behaved and stayed above his lips and remarkably did not dangle further down. Naigu slept the night and woke early the following day. His first action was to pat his nose. His nose was still short. Naigu relaxed as if he had accumulated successes in transcribing the Lotus Sutra over many years.



However, within a few days, Naigu discovered an unforeseen fact. He had an errand and visited Ike-no-o Temple, samurai made more amused faces than they used to and barely spoke. They only stared hard at Naigu's nose. When a temple pageboy, who was present on one occasion when Naigu's nose fell into the gruel, crossed paths with Naigu outside the hall, he looked down and suppressed his laughter. Eventually he seemed unable to stand it and sputtered once. The junior priests he assigned tasks to listened respectfully only when they faced him. If Naigu turned away, they immediately began to snicker. This happened more than once or twice.

At first, Naigu interpreted this as owing to the change in his looks. However, the explanation was inadequate with only this interpretation. Naturally, the cause of the laughter of the temple pages and junior priests was surely there. Despite the same laughter, the appearance of his nose differed from his previous long nose. It could be said that the unfamiliar short nose looked funnier than the more familiar long nose. But what was it?



The earlier laughter wasn't as harsh.

Naigu stopped chanting the sutra just as he began. With his bald head at a tilt, he grumbled from time to time. At those times, Naigu, who should be lovable, always absentmindedly gazed at a picture of the wise Samantabhadra hanging beside him and remembered an event four or five days earlier when his nose was long. He moped, "It is like remembering the glorious past of a man who has fallen low."

While regrettable to Naigu, his insight for answering this question faded.


There are two contradictory sentiments in the heart of a man. Naturally, there is not a man who does not sympathize with the misfortune of another. However, when that man's misfortune can be overcome in some way, the feeling becomes unsatisfying. It may be a bit of an overstatement to say, but there is the desire to see that man fall again into the same misfortune. Then in no time, although half-hearted, he embraces some hostility toward that person. Although Naigu did not understand why, his offended thoughts came from nothing other than the selfishness of bystanders in the attitudes of the priests and laymen of Ike-no-o.


After that, Naigu's mood worsened each day. Whenever he spoke to anyone, it was a vicious rebuke. In the end, he even heard about malicious gossip from the disciple monk who treated the nose, "Naigu is being punished for the crime of stinginess."

The always devilish temple pageboy was particularly angered by Naigu. One day, a dog released a piercing howl. When an unconcerned Naigu went out to look, a pageboy brandishing a piece of a two-feet-long piece of wood was chasing around a thin, shaggy dog with long hair. He was simply chasing the dog

"I can't hit your nose. Hey, I can't hit your nose," he jeered while chasing the dog around. Naigu snatched the wood from the pageboy's hand and slapped him hard in the face. The wood was the wood used earlier to hold up his nose.





Naigu had thoughtlessly shortened his nose; now, he regretted that action.

Then one evening exactly at nightfall, the wind seemed to pick up. The ringing of the bronze temple bells in the tower was loud enough to pierce his pillow. And with the cold, the elderly Naigu was unable to sleep despite trying. When he intentionally stared at the floor, his nose suddenly felt strange and itchy. When he touched it with his hand to see, his nose felt slightly bloated by moisture; it also seemed warmer.

"The shortening was unreasonable and may have caused illness," muttered Naigu as he respectfully arranged offerings of flowers and incense before the deceased with one hand as he pressed his nose with the other.







The next morning, when Naigu woke early as usual, the ginkgo and horse chestnuts inside the temple had dropped their flowers during the night, and the garden was bright like gold was spread out in the garden. Perhaps, frost had fallen off the tower roof. Still early in the morning, the kurin, nine rings of the pagoda, were dazzling. Zenchi Naigu stood on the balcony with opened lattice shutters and took a deep breath.

At this time, mostly forgotten sensations returned again to Naigu.

Naigu fidgeted with his nose. The nose he touched was not the short nose of last night. His former long nose, the six- or seven-inch-long nose, dangled down from above his upper lip to below his chin. Naigu realized his nose returned to its normal length during the night. At that same time, similar to the time his nose shortened, he felt cheerful feelings return from somewhere.

"No doubt, this would make anyone smile," muttered Naigu in his heart. His long nose dangled in the autumn breeze in the first light of dawn.

January 1916


The End

  • 著者名: 芥川龍之介
  • 入力:平山誠、野口英司
  • 校正:もりみつじゅんじ
  • 翻訳者:シェリー・マーシャル
  • The Nose (in Japanese)
  • Author: Akutagawa Ryunosuke
  • Input by: Hirayama Makoto and Noguchi Eiji
  • Revised by:Morimitsu Junji
  • Translated by: Shelley Marshall
© 2018 Shelley Marshall