Yoshikawa Eiji tells a story about one of the forty-seven ronin, Fuwa Kazuemon, before he became an Asano ronin.
The Tissue Paper Ronin
Yoshikawa Eiji
『オイ、数右衛門《かずえもん》』 と、呼ぶと、
A Parent's Dirt
Inside the meticulous daimyo's residence, a lone eyesore of a man wondered cluelessly around the business office.
He was a young man, twenty-six or -seven years old with a short, stocky build. Typical of young men, his collar was always grimy. The belt of his hakama trousers looked slack, and its back often slipped down.
"Hey, Kazuemon."
"Yeah," he said like a dunce while turning his whole body to look back. He probably had to because of his bull neck. He tended to stare when looking at others, which even a fool found uncomfortable.
Consequently, he hadn't made friends yet. He was not used to being respected and bothered by being at others' beck and call. Calvary officers and battlefield messengers shared this office, and suitable work was abundant. However, Kazuemon couldn't understand why only he was always kept from that work.
In the rare event anyone gave him a task, he worked slovenly and with indifference and forgot too much. He was not the man to be a messenger to another house or perform an important errand for the lord.
Therefore, he was relieved when the business office was closed. His confusion when busy was his fault. When off, his superiors and colleagues played games of Go. He stood behind them with his hands in his pockets and idly peered over their heads.
そう同僚が答えると、次にはきっと、誰でも同じように頷いて呟《つぶや》いた。 『——道理で、何処《どこ》となく、浪人くさい男じゃと思ったら、あれが岡野治太夫のせがれか。それでまだ、親の垢《あか》が抜けておらぬのじゃな』
"Who's he?" a senior retainer, who noticed him but still did not know him, often asked his colleagues.
"Oh, he's Fuwa Kazuemon. He recently transferred from the home province and is a low-ranking samurai here in Edo."
His answer always brought a nod and the same complaint.
"That makes sense. I suspected he was a ronin from somewhere. Is he Okano Jidayu's son? So the parent's dirt doesn't come off."
Ronin Bones
Samurai have the phrase ronin bones." A man who possessed the barbarous blood of the Genna and Keicho eras, could not be refined by the coming cultured age of Genroku, and was unable to conform to the model of a public servant in peaceful social relationships was often called "a guy with thick ronin bones."
Kazuemon was that sort as was his father Okano Jidayu. Both were unbridled by nature. The father was a ronin from the Asano clan over ten years ago and stubbornly passed through poverty to die in the dirty backstreets.
As a ronin who committed no particular crime, his son Kazuemon was adopted into a family of the original Asano clan. His being cursed with his father's thick ronin bones was surely unexpected in the adoptive family. However, Kazuemon's ronin bones were thicker than his father's.
Even now the people of his birthplace still say, "Somehow only he could make the lord apologize."
It happened one summer. They were fishing on the Chikusa River close to Ako Castle. During the banquet on a boat outing, Takumi no Kami Naganori suddenly said, "Who can kill that swallow flying around?"
All eyes stopped on Kazuemon mixed in among the attendants.
"Tell him to do it."
Kazuemon said nothing and bowed. Everyone thought he refused, but he released a small boat, rowed to the center of the river. He unsheathed and bent his blade.
As he let out a sharp cry, his body and sword appeared to flutter and extend in space. Then the swallow minus one wing landed on the water's surface, and the current swept away the wing.
Takumi no Kami called to him, "Well done," and offered a cup. Kazuemon puffed his cheeks and did not extend his hand like he harbored some grievance.
"Is something wrong?" asked Takumi no Kami.
"Please, may I have the day off just today?"
His reason made some sense. His martial arts skills were not for fun but honed to be of use if anything happened to the lord. If he said no, he'd probably be mocked as a coward and have to defy the lord's order. And if he made a mistake, as a man, he would have to cut open his belly. It would be better for a man like this to quit his service to a military clan. He avoided boldly saying he truly understood the feelings of his ronin father Jidayu.
"That was wrong of me. Kazuemon, I was wrong."
After that, Takumi no Kami never again pushed that sort of amusement on his vassals. But Kazuemon's thick ronin bones did not thin even a little.
This summer in year 7 of Genroku (1694), his thick ronin bones were the reason given for his transfer from his hometown to return to his post as a low-ranking samurai in Edo.
A letter from Chief Retainer Ono Kurobei delivered to the hands of the lord, who was residing in the province, listed the following grievances On the Breach of Etiquette by Kazuemon.
Takumi no Kami crumpled that letter. This lord never threw people away. He was ordered to live in Edo full-time instead of alternate attendance because of the difficulty in communicating with his home province.
Kazuemon did not delight in the transfer. Back home, he had freedom and lived in the open fields. In the daimyo's Edo residence, he was in the same building as the lord and had to watch his step. Even when off duty, he lived in the row house barracks on the grounds and couldn't let loose and act crazy.
To him, every low-ranking samurai in Edo appeared silly and small and only excelled in social interactions, being well-groomed, and speaking softly before the lord. Therefore, Kazuemon made no close friends in March or April.
The Haiku Poet Who Writes Nothing
Kazuemon stood up with his hands in his pocket and towered over the heads of the men around the Go board.
The apparent loser Tanaka Sadashiro broke from the tension caused by Kazuemon's occasional chuckles and placed his stone inside the formation of his opponent, Tominomori Sukeemon.
Sometimes he glared up at Kazuemon's face, but nothing rattled Kazuemon's nerves.
Nakamura Seiemon and four or five others watched from the side, but none stood up. Kazuemon's poor manners and laughter bothered them, too.
When he lost, Seiemon said, "Fuwa-san." He turned and asked, "Why don't you play next? Try one game. Please sit."
"No, I don't know anything about Go."
"Weren't you watching?"
"I was bored."
"Why would someone who knows nothing look so interested for so long?"
"I was watching the lice fall from your collars onto the board. I enjoyed seeing who they headed for."
Disgusted eyes and angry pale faces followed the yawning Kazuemon as he wandered out of the business office.
Bright autumn sunlight lit the small passage of the side entrance. A white dog played with its new puppy in the clover flowers below a clover hedge.
"Come here, boy. Come here …"
Kazuemon let the puppy bite his hand as they played. A clan retainer happened to come out and walk toward the gate but stopped, turned to the bored Kazuemon, and met his eyes. The retainer asked, "Are you free, Fuwa-dono?"
"Yes I am," he said, aware of his awkward body and forced a smile.
"Why don't we go somewhere?"
Kazuemon rushed to put on his zori sandals. He still was unfamiliar with Edo and grateful for this show of kindness.
The man was Otaka Gengo, the Custodian of the Swords. He was always in the business office. He watched the newcomer Kazuemon and guessed he had no friends.
After leaving the grounds, Kazuemon asked, "Where are we going?"
"To Fukugawa."
"There's a meeting tonight at Chidori-an. It has a nice view of the mouth of the Okawa River. It's something to try once."
His gentle words made him sound like a Kyoto townsman. Kazuemon's heart could not imagine a samurai like this back home.
久しく酒にも渇《かわ》いている。心から飲みあう友がないからだ。ともかく数右衛門は従《つ》いて行ってみた。千鳥庵といえばいずれ洒落《しゃれ》た料理屋であろうと思って。 ところが、そこは静かな川沿いの貸席で、宗匠頭巾《そうしょうずきん》の老人とか、医者とか、僧侶とか、町人の旦那衆と云ったような者ばかりが、ひっそりと、墨の香《か》の中に集まって、各※[#二の字点、1-2-22]《めいめい》、筆と短冊を持ち、咳《しわぶき》もせずに俳句を作っているのだった。
Without the comradery of friends to share drinks, his sake drought had been long, so Kazuemon joined him. He imagined Chidori-an to be a trendy restaurant. Instead in this place, elderly men wearing hoods as masters of various arts, physicians, Buddhist priests, and men who could be called businessmen quietly gathered, surrounded by the aroma of ink in the rented room on a quiet riverbank. Each man had a writing brush and a sheet of paper and, without coughing, composed haiku poems.
Kazuemon lamented, I came but there's nothing to drink, and he couldn't keep up.
In the evening, a bottle of sake was brought out with a bento box. At least, he enjoyed that while watching the meeting of poets. He couldn't understand why they didn't looked bored despite no chatting.
The posted subjects were:
He couldn't fathom what they meant. When Otaka Gengo read his poem, he answered to the name Shiyo, which means seed leaf.
For the first time, Kazuemon had a realization.
Haa, ha, ha, his pen name is Shiyo.
Although a writing brush and paper were placed before him, he composed nothing and didn't think about composing a poem. He wasn't yawning but picked his nose while gazing out the bay window at the night sky over the Okawa.
The First Woman
On the way home from the gathering, Otaka Shiyo introduced him to another man.
"You haven't met. This is Ikkan-dono, the father of your comrade Oyamada Shozaemon.
"Pleased to meet you. I'm Fuwa Kazuemon."
The three walked together.
Ikkan wore a reddish-brown toku half coat and a wrapping hood and walked with a small lantern dangling. Kazuemon found this old man to have good character and a restrained personality.
何かの話から、子葉が云うと、老人は尖った肩を振って、 『さて、彼奴《あいつ》がの、いつになったら、女房でも持つ気になるか。はははは』
"Is your son still single?" asked Shiyo at some point in the conversation. The old man's pointed shoulders shook.
"Am I worried about when he's going to get a wife? Ha, ha, ha."
He let out a huge laugh to sweep away the darkness.
"More than the older brother, the younger sister is ready for marriage. I'm not past my prime. Before you marry her off, please, keep me in mind," said a serious Shiyo.
"Chiga's already that age."
"She's one year past twenty," said Ikkan with an aggrieved look.
When they reached Eitai Bridge, Shiyo said he would leave them to visit his fellow poet Setchu An, sick in bed with a cold. Before he turned to follow the river, he said, "Kazuemon-dono, since the route is on the way to Teppouzu, will you see the elder home?"
Kazuemon looked frustrated. He was looking forward to going somewhere to drink alone.
However, Ikkan was a straightforward elder. How did he interpret the young man's expression?
"It's too early to go home, isn't it? My son likes to drink with friends on long nights."
Kazuemon thought that was a good idea. However, when they reached the top of Kakihama Bridge, a vassal in a black haori half-length coat passed them at a brisk pace then stopped and called out, "Are you Oyamada? The retired elder?"
Ikkan said nonchalantly, "Yes. And you?"
When he turned, the man threw off his haori coat and leaped at him. A bare blade danced before his eyes.
"What the—?"
Ikkan avoided losing his head, but he was an old man of seventy. Perhaps the fault lay in his body's missing stamina or its power, and he ended up on his back.
"Old man, don't embarrass me. A disgrace—" The soldier held the sword high above the screaming face and kicked his heel a second time toward Ikkan trying to stand.
"Don't you remember?" he said and brought down his foot to strike.
『下手め! そんな事で、辻斬りができるか。顔でも洗って出直せっ』
The swiftness of the attack shocked Kazuemon. He recalled killing passersby to test a new sword back home. Now to deaf to anyone's words, he only remembered that incident.
Before the soldier's outstretched arm dropped the sword onto Ikkan's head, he grabbed the nape of the soldier's neck and yanked him back with all his strength.
"Scum! Are you testing your sword? Think again!"
A white splash rose from the bridge pile below and sent spray flying over the railing onto Ikkan's body and Kazuemon's shadow.
"Whaa, that's cold."
Ikkan shivered more from that than the surprise attacker's sword.
"Father!" screamed a woman who ran up and embraced Ikkan.
For the first time in his life on Earth, Kazuemon was aware of a beautiful woman.
『ややお千賀じゃないか。なんでこんな所へ? ——』と、眉をひそめた。
His Situation
She was Ikkan's youngest daughter, Chiga.
His other daughter, second son, and third son lived elsewhere. Only his heir, Shozaemon, and his youngest daughter, Chiga, remained in Oyamada's home.
Ikkan rubbed his hip and pulled himself up using the handrail.
"Oh, Chiga? What are you doing here?" he said with a frown.
"Uh … a red-faced Oda Yunosuke-sama was looking for you to protect his honor. He sounded truly frightening. I feared he would do something like this."
"He came again while I was out?"
"Yes, when Shozaemon heard Oda-sama's voice, he knew it was a good idea to leave and went out the back door."
"This is a problem. He ended up that mad?"
"He said you two deceived him and he was going to kill you."
"Ha, ha, ha, ha. Could that soft-boned second son take the head of Oyamada Ikkan?"
Ikkan spoke like he would throw her in the river then became aware of himself.
"Chiga, thank Kazuemon. You're going now."
Kazuemon looked at Chiga's face with admiration. He sympathized with the father and daughter and approached Oyamada's home. Ikkan lived there in retirement, and Shozaemon was not there. Since his small home was worth just 100 koku, Ikkan had little to lose by being honest.
"No more please. I'll drink the rest tomorrow. Tonight … this is it for tonight."
Kazuemon was dead drunk, finally satiated after a long hiatus, and went home.
When he was gone, Chiga said to her father, "He's a funny, sweet fellow."
From that night on, Kazuemon became a frequent visitor, but whenever he came, the son, Shozaemon, never came out to see him.
Kazuemon rarely saw him at home and bluntly asked why one time. A sour-looking Ikkan answered, "He has friends among the vassals and lately learned how to live a fast life. His companions are a problem."
After learning this, he understood some situation or grudge led the man to slash at Ikkan on Kakihama Bridge that night.
That man was a vassal named Oda Yunosuke. He was a man of excellent pedigree and said to be the pulse of Minister of the Right Oda and close to Ikkan's son Shozaemon.
Although hidden from his father, Shozaemon piled up debts in the red-light district. Yunosuke once asked, "Will you let Chiga marry me?" Shozaemon found it hard to refuse him. With no room to escape given his friend's pedigree, wealth, and fairly good looks, he said, "I give my consent. And you'll probably be happy with my father's and sister's responses."
He probably convinced himself this was true and assured his friend. However, when the son asked, the cranky Ikkan said, "I will allow my daughter to marry a vassal. What is his family line? Lately, the public morals of distinguished second sons have not been amusing. I absolutely refuse."
His father and sister should have derived some delight from Shozaemon's proposal. Perhaps its grandeur brought him ill feelings and a scathing refusal.
Although Shozaemon looked on the bright side, made light of it, and glibly made excuses to the Oda family, Ikkan's feelings never changed.
Six months and then a year passed.
Oda Yunosuke prematurely declared to his friends, "Chiga will be my wife."
Shozaemon piled more lies on this lie and ensnared himself in a trap he couldn't escape. Eventually, his lies and his father's stubbornness and inability to appreciate this marriage had consequences. Shozaemon began avoiding Yunosuke. The tangibly harmed Yunosuke was certain the father and his children conspired against him and bitterly resented the father.
Nonetheless, he visited a few times to ask Chiga's wishes but was told she was out. The last time, Chiga's violent trembling at the entry turned him away.
His last angry words to her were "All right. Tonight, I'll go to Ikkan and show him who I am. Don't mourn later."
He exploded and attacked a few nights ago as he either waited to ambush the father returning from the poets meeting in Chidori-an or crossed his path on the way there.
"It was all for the best. He won't come anymore," said Ikkan like a heavy load had been lifted from his shoulders. Of course, he intended to neither borrow from nor lend to the Oda family.
"Kazuemon, come again," he said without fail when Kazuemon went home after a meal. The old man didn't say things out of politeness but expressed his true feelings since Kazuemon's actions on Kakihama Bridge.
They became good friends in this chance situation. The old man loved Kazuemon, and Chiga always greeted him with a smiling face.
Kazuemon thought, She may have rejected Yunosuke, but I may have a chance.
If Yunosuke's name came up in the vassals' gossip, Chiga and Ikkan spoke ill of him but spoke favorably of Kazuemon. Despite being an insatiable drinker used to staying up late at night, he had the habit of saying, "Chiga, I'll have one more then I'll be going."
Her lovely eyes gazed at him and never looked disgusted.
If he fell into a ditch on his drunken return home, she told him to bring her the dirty clothes. If the weather got cold, she'd knit winter clothes in an instant.
Chiga said, "You'll probably come from your home province, so please dress appropriately."
She even pulled the yarn and dressed him while noting his height. Chiga had a sweet disposition and was pretty. There was no difference in status. They were in the same clan. Kazuemon believed in his complete happiness.
From fall until winter, he thought returning to the life of a low-ranking samurai in Edo was a good thing.
The Illusion
Kazuemon's happy face showed his joy. Naturally, he was a different man those days even at the daimyo's residence.
A colleague was suspicious.
"Fuwa, are you happy about something?"
"Yup." he said and stretched his hairy bull neck from his usually tight collar.
"I've fallen in love with a beautiful woman and she loves me."
"Really? The weather has been a little too warm this winter."
"This isn't a joke. Since my stipend is small and rewards for my service have not appeared, I'm holding back, but I'll marry her eventually."
"Only in your heart."
"Envy makes you think that. Monk Kenko, or was it somebody else, says that love that is not lust is good."
"I never thought I'd hear a lecture about love from you. Well, who is this pretty woman?"
"Oyamada Ikkan's daughter."
"What? … Chiga-dono?"
"She is a beauty."
However, the looks on his colleagues' faces showed disbelief. He was the only believer.
Then one day, a tall, stern, handsome young man, smart in dress and actions, said "Fuwa-san, please come here," and whispered something to him in a corner of the corridor.
"So you are …"
Kazuemon raised his round eyes, bowed as politely as he could, and said, "Chiga-dono's older brother."
"Yes, I'm Shozaemon, Chiga's oldest brother. You've been a great help to my father and sister."
"I've wanted to express my thanks, but my office is far. Only recently I've been near the villa and never had the chance before. Forgive my rudeness."
"I should have been the one greeting you."
"Anyway, today it worked out."
"I have some free time."
"Good, can we go somewhere to chat? It's a little cold, like it's going to snow."
"Since haiku has become popular lately, we could go to the poets meeting."
"Ha, ha, ha. I have none of the elegance of Shiyo-dono. I'd prefer a less sober location."
Once there they parted. At the appointed time, Kazuemon left through a side entrance. Shozaemon already left under the gray evening sky.
When they were out of Teppouzu, Shozaemon hailed the lantern of a passing palanquin and whispered his destination.
He instructed Kazuemon, "You take this one," then he got in a palanquin and dropped down the straw curtain.
Although in the same clan, Kazuemon was perplexed by the temperament of familiarity in Edo. The warriors from the province but permanently posted in Edo differed in dispositions and lifestyles from those posted in the provincial castle.
The palanquins arrived at the Nihonzutsumi canal between the Sumida River and Minowa.
Kazuemon walked a little past the Namida Bridge at the moat to the impossible-to-miss, stylish gate of Kaigarabuki. Of course, it was a Funaji teahouse he frequented in Yoshiwara.
The sake came and the hostesses gathered around.
妓《おんな》は、川面の障子を、初手は細目に開けたが、 『おや、めずらしいものが。……まあ、綺麗だねえ』
"It's cold. Anything warm is good."
A pot of stew was surrounded by bowls. It all looked like a dream to Kazuemon.
Strangely, he did not get too drunk because he was certain Shozaemon had something important to say. Of course, he would discuss Chiga's and Ikkan's thoughts and confirm Kazuemon's intentions. How should he respond if the conversation came to that? The new year was coming quickly. Maybe the year after next or three years from now?
As he mulled over this, Kazuemon's love for sake came out and captivated him. His face flushed.
"Hey, are you listening a little?"
"It's so cold in here."
The hostess slightly opened the shoji screen on the river side.
She shreiked, "Look. This is amazing. Isn't it beautiful?" and fully opened the screen for all to see.
The white stripes drawn by the first snowfall made the broad darkness in the Sumida River look like a vision and instantly grabbed the drunks' eyes.
暫《しばら》く、燭台《しょくだい》が墨を吐《は》いている。庄左衛門はそれを機《しお》に、妓たちを遠ざけて、 『時に、数右衛門どの』
The Snowscape Sightseeing Boat
"It's cold in here. Don't open it so wide," said Shozaemon. The hostesses hurried to shut both sides of the shoji screen.
The candlestands blew smoke for a while. Shozaemon took this chance to escape.
"Now, Kazuemon-dono …" he said formally.
Kazuemon though he heard the words he awaited. He straightened the front of his kimono as best he could and aligned his knees. Unfortunately, his hands weren't working and proved he was drunk.
『それは? ……。ははあ、思い当ることもある』
"Relax. You don't have to be so formal. It's a simple matter."
"Wha … what is it? Is it a serious matter?"
"It's nothing like that. Lately, a rumor has made the rounds in the daimyo's residence. And I believe you're the source."
"It's about my sister. Did you know about this?"
"Yes, I do."
"You talk like you are already engaged to Chiga. This is a problem for my family. I wish you'd not speak about it any more."
"I talked about that but won't in the future. Anyway, this won't be settled for two or three years."
"There's nothing more to think about. Gossip is annoying. For both our sakes, could you moderate your frequent visits to our home?"
Kazuemon only heard the surface meaning of the words. He drank too much sake this evening. Shozaemon was satisfied and believed his intentions were understood, so he went home first.
"Aaah, am I drunk again? I've got to stop. What time is it?"
Kazuemon blacked out from drinking. When he woke up, the hostesses were gone as was Shozaemon. He clapped his hands and shouted.
『オオこれか』——数右衛門は手酌《てじゃく》で飲みながら、 『ああいい心地じゃ。ゆるりとやれ、悠《ゆ》るりと』
A hostess came.
"You're awake?"
"When did Oyamada-dono go home? How do I get home? I'm so weak."
"Please don't worry. You can take a choki to Teppouzu."
"What is a choki?"
"It's a boat."
"A boat? That sounds good."
"It looks dangerous. They're getting ready. Please wait a little longer."
"Boatman. Somebody at the teahouse should have given me sake."
"You can warm up near the brazier."
"Oh, this one?" asked Kazuemon and drank the sake he poured for himself.
"Aah, that looks comfortable. Make yourself at home. Relax"
"Since we're going downstream, there's no need for excess rowing."
"It's fast. The river is this quick?"
When he peeked into the liquor bottle held in one hand, a roofed yakata pleasure boat came up behind the long, narrow, and roofless choki and seemed to hit the stern. The choki's boatman seemed to deliberately stumble badly near Kazuemon.
"Ah! Watch out," he said as his hip was shoved. Still holding the bottle, Kazuemon tumbled head first into the river.
He was wearing thick clothes and drunk and at a bit of a loss. He was skilled in the water and immediately wrapped one hand around his long and short swords and swam out while loosening his *hakama* trouser's cord and sash. By that time, the choki left him and was far away.
Nearby, the pleasure boat continued its sightseeing tour pretending not to see. The boat's shoji screens were opened a hair.
"Look, that bumpkin drank undrinkable sake and is in danger."
"He's quite competent."
"Ah, ha, ha. Tonight he'll probably freeze."
Fires glowed in the narrow pleasure boat. Sake and geisha were also there. The five guests were vassals but not direct retainers. One of them was Oyamada Shozaemon.
"Yunosuke-sama, sometime this evening your resentment will be washed away. At the same time, I will prove that I'm not betraying you."
Shozaemon washed a cup and poured a drink for a colleague. The smartly dressed and pale Oda Yunosuke said, "No. I'm not entirely convinced. One more thing must be done to convince me." He sounded like a second son as he shook his head no.
The House Awaiting Spring
Out of respect, Kazuemon no longer spoke about that subject or visited the Oyamada home. His state of mind strengthened. He warmed to enjoying solitude in his heart.
"How come you no longer talk about that these days?" asked his colleagues, but Kazuemon avoided talking about Chiga and only chuckled.
"It looks like Kazuemon is the man to be congratulated."
The rumors in the shadows were not known to him at all. He saw nothing suspicious or dubious.
Mishaps on the Sumida River were viewed as mistakes. One's blunder was viewed with great shame. If he were told Shozaemon and Yunosuke watched his ordeal from the pleasure boat as a side dish to enjoy with sake, given Kazuemon's character, he would certainly say that was a lie.
In the end, a man who gradually warmed to him saw the truth and said this friendless man had some good points. Before Kazuemon knew it, several men in the daimyo's residence were his friends.
The 25th near the end of the year was a day for finishing urgent business.
In the long house barracks of the daimyo's residence, Kazuemon and just fourteen of his colleagues gathered to drink sake. One vehement colleague grabbed Kazuemon to tell him something because "I am your friend." Sake alone did not create his zeal.
Oyamada Chiga-dono would marry into the Oda family on the 30th. Wedding gifts were being given. In the preparations for early spring in that family and for the bride, scraps of Yuzen fabrics and cotton waste were swept out to the grounds.
"That can't be."
Kazuemon was in denial.
Of course, he looked uneasy.
"The other night, I visited Ikkan-dono and drank until late at night. Chiga-dono said nothing about this either."
His friend asked, "What? Did you make a firm proposal to Ikkan-dono or Chiga-dono?"
"Yeah," said Kazuemon shaking his head. He had no verbal promise, but his mind was made up. He insisted he was not concerned if that is what Chiga-dono desired.
"It's a pity it has come to this."
His friends stood before him and glanced at each other's honest faces.
"Well, telling him the truth is best. Kazuemon and the whole world don't understand women at all."
"Shall we tell him?"
His friends surrounded him like they were about to perform last rites and declared, "It's no good. Just stop."
According to this confidential talk, the Oda clan never stopped talking about the wedding. Through a mediator, the Oda family apologized for the brutal act on Kakihama Bridge. The stubborn Ikkan did not yield on settling the debts piled up over many years by Oyamada's relatives and recently came to an amicable agreement. The wedding notification had already been sent to the domain's administrative office.
"Kazuemon, do you want Chiga to be your wife? Do you still think you're favored?"
With arms folded, Kazuemon looked down like his face would sink into the tatami. In time, he lifted a slightly animated face and said, "Huh? I don't think I'm not favored."
His friends' shocked faces looked down and he stood.
"I still don't understand. There is Chiga-dono's heart. Who knows her heart?" said Kazuemon and left his friends. Then the group went home. When they looked through the slighty ajar door to Kazuemon's row house, Kazuemon was snoring loudly inside his futon.
"That guy's a happy fellow and has no doubts. To a man like him, humans are kind."
They slept feeling envious of Kazuemon.
The Bamboo Fence
If there is no anguish, Kazuemon has no love. However, he had his anguish that may not have been stronger than a man wearing a tragic expression or a gloomy brow.
Kazuemon acted out his anguish. He was a little sullen for three or four days but seemed little different. He heard the marriage would be on the 30th. Late the night before, he kicked off his futon. What was he thinking?
"No one knows what's in Chiga-dono's heart," he said and flew outside.
It was already curfew, and the back gate of the residence was shut. But he was friendly with the gatekeeper and honestly appealed his case. The gatekeeper gave him a break.
"I'll be back before dawn."
Once outside, Kazuemon ran. Oyamada's home wasn't big, and he was familiar with the kitchen. The front had a gate and a wall but a part of the side of the garden next to the temple was a bamboo fence. He easily scaled that fence.
He felt no guilt for the absurd crime of prying open a door from outside to visit the room of a woman to be married the next day. As he slid open the rattling door, Kazuemon only saw the smiling face of the woman who always welcomed him. He did this in order to hear the reason from her and not Ikkan or Shozaemon. He believed he could explain to Chiga feelings hard to express as a samurai to Ikkan and Shozaemon.
The noise he was making woke the woman asleep in the room.
"Ah … who's there?" asked her trembling voice.
"Chiga-dono, it's me Kazuemon."
The rustling of silk like she touched the shoji screen in horror to stand leaked through the gap in the door.
"Ah, shh. Chiga-dono, be quiet."
And yet Kazuemon wasn't the least bit quiet. The door panel clattered. He quietly slipped inside.
The light of a hand spear aimed at his chest plate flew in from the darkness.
"Oh no!"
Kicked from behind, he flew into the garden.
"You bastard!"
The spear chased his shadow. He couldn't escape.
"Ah, stop please. Shozaemon? It's me, Kazuemon."
"Shut up! You bastard!"
庄左衛門は、声のつぶれるほど、怒《いか》って呶鳴った。 『あれ程、いつかも申したのに、まだ性懲《しょうこり》もなく、妹の後を追い廻すか。犬のようなやつだ、武士か、それでも』
"Who's a bastard?"
"You're shameless!"
"I came with a pure heart to ask Chiga-dono. Please call her here."
"You're a fool!"
Shozaemon roared so hard in anger he stammered.
"Despite what I said, you won't stop and pursue my sister like a dog despite being a warrior."
Although Kazuemon would never let anyone insult him, he wanted to launch a wad of hot, foul spit.
『わかった。売女のように、金や権門《けんもん》に買われてゆく女だったのか。……ベッ、ベッ、もういい、胸が透《す》いた』 一目散に、その儘、数右衛門は藩邸の長屋へ帰って来た。足を洗って寝床の中へ潜り込んでいた。すると軈《やが》て、
"What? You want to keep talking?"
Hair stood up from his pale face.
"I said you're a dog. No daughter in the Oyamada family wants a dog."
"Don't say that!"
Kazuemon snatched his rival's spear and shook off Shozaemon.
"The game is captured by the dog. Isn't that a warrior?"
With all his might, he hit Shozaemon's backbone with the spear's handle and hurled the spear into Chiga's room.
"I get it. Was she a woman to be bought with money or the power of an influential family, like a whore? Enough. I feel better now."
At full speed, Kazuemon returned to the daimyo's residence. He washed his feet and crawled into bed.
"Coward! Are you scared?"
"Kazuemon come out and die," said a man at the gate. Oyamada Shozaemon and his father, Ikkan, pursued him here. While they yelled toward the house, they reversed their long swords and banged their handles.
The Bronco in the Stable
The angry voices rang in every corner of the row house. Since this was a daimyo's residence, the government officials at the front and the guards beside the gates came running.
"What kind of grudge is this? Is this abuse because the daughter is being married off to another family? Who sneaks into the daughter's room? Answer us."
"Even at risk to our family name, we will take Kazuemon's head. If told to come out, come here and talk like a samurai."
The Oyamada father and son were surrounded by the shocked men who ran up. In the black darkness, the group tried to calm them and ask their reasons but only angered the Oyamadas and inspired chaos.
How did Kazuemon leave the residence? Some colleagues said the gate guard was responsible. Others called for elder vassals and went inside to question Kazuemon while others cross-examined Kazuemon. The dim night brightened.
Takumi no Kami woke up early. As always, when the sounds of the hooves of his spirited favorite horse echoed in the stable, he usually had taken his bath and was worshipping in the altar room for the ancestors..
Meanwhile, his wife cooked the kettle of morning vegetables in the wife's bamboo cottage. When the kettle boiled, the sounds of Takumi no Kami's garden *geta* sandals approached..
He asked his wife, "What is going on?".
"A little while ago, I heard excited loud voices.".
"It sounds like it's coming from the row house. The young samurai were probably fighting. … Who's the guard?".
"I'll have my tea later."
He asked his wife, "What is going on?"
"A little while ago, I heard excited loud voices."
"It sounds like it's coming from the row house. The young samurai were probably fighting. … Who's the guard?"
"It was Gengo."
"I'll have the tea later."
A page wearing a sword followed, keeping up with his swift pace.
Takumi no Kami stood at the end of the study.
"Gengo, Gengo."
と、内匠頭は、苦笑を閉じるように唇《くち》をむすんで、 『数右衛門ではめずらしくない事だ。……源吾。そちにも、云い含めておいたはずではないか。ちと、あの粗暴《そぼう》を撓《た》め直すようにせいと』
Last night's guard, Otaka Gengo, placed both hands on the edge of the veranda, looked up at Takami no Kami's brow, and asked in amazement, "Did you hear the disturbance?"
"Who was shouting?"
"Oyamada Ikkan and his son."
"It was a fight. Were the retired man and his son that angry?"
"Who was their target?"
"Fuwa Kazuemon."
"Oh, him?" said Takumi no Kami and pursed his lips like he was stifling a smile.
"Kazuemon is rather ordinary. Gengo. Do I have to explain it to you? The fault lies in being lenient when faced with brutish behavior."
"As you directed, I invited him a few times to haiku poets meetings, but his spirit lacks refined tastes. Kazuemon has the naive character of a man raised in the country and the thick bones of a ronin. The truth is after that we left him alone."
"Is that so? Maybe it should not have been stopped? Whether right or wrong, both sides were ill-mannered inside a daimyo's residence."
The Evening's Rising Tide
The listener, Gengo, listened. He told Takumi no Kami the reasons given by both sides. While waiting for his ruling, only Gengo's face said this is a problem.
Takumi no Kami saw no difficulty. He leaned on the armrest and meditated for a short time.
Overall, he was a charming vassal and clan warrior who intended no harm.
This belief was visible on his face.
He said, "Announce this," and gave his ruling.
After Takumi no Kami gave his command, Gengo obeyed his wishes and promptly announced the order.
"Your daughter will marry today. A ceremony of unrestrained beauty should be celebrated. No blame will be placed on Shozaemon on this auspicious day for his sister."
Ikkan's face reflected his dissatisfaction. The message that Shozaemon held no particular blame rang like Shozaemon was at fault.
However, touching on that was underhanded even in the father's biased eyes. He considered the possibility of misconduct he was unaware of. It might have been the old man's fault they could not withdraw without speaking one word.
"But what will happen to our opponent Kazuemon? Depending on the situation, even if I bet on my old belly and I restore my daughter's disgraced name, I can't wear a white kimono for seppuku for the other family."
"That outrageous lout would send the lord into a rage."
"Is that so?"
"His punishment was an immediate transfer."
"To the province …"
"No. The official order for receiving Matsuyama Castle earlier was assigned to this domain. Therefore, I ordered Oishi Kuranosuke-dono accompanied by several men to cross four provinces from the home province."
"He wasn't upset?"
Gengo added, "Oyamada-dono, you also have a youthful son. It's not that what happened earlier never happens. It's probably best not to argue about that command."
"No. It was the lord's command. I hear your words now as Shiyo-dono. Well, today is going to be a busy day."
The old man read the meaning behind Gengo's words and left in a hurry.
Of course, that evening's wedding ceremony went smoothly.
In contrast, Kazuemon was humbled and looking down in a room in the row house without the usual shadows. The lord's order had been handed down. His colleagues comforted him by telling him not to be ashamed or worry because the reprimand was not strong.
"Yes, I know …"
He nodded but left his head hanging low.
Around noon, they were called out front.
A stern Gengo, a man completely different from the usual Gengo, handed down the lord's words.
"You will take on the urgent role of an express courier to carry a secret document from the lord to the hands of Oishi-dono outside of Matsuyama Castle. Until news of its successful completion, this is military service under the command of Oishi-dono. Do you understand, Kazuemon?"
"Don't treat this document lightly," said Gengo and passed it to Kazuemon who withdrew to dreamland.
He immediately prepared for his journey.
His comrades who heard crowded into his room to give him a farewell gift and sing a victory song and offer lively parting gifts in words.
"Kazuemon, there are lots of women out there. Forget about that woman."
"Shozaemon and Ikkan claimed you broke the law, but the lord did not agree. For this marriage, the eyes of the Oyamada family were blinded by gold, or they're flattering the other clan. They surely hate the lord."
"What little we know about Shozaemon's conduct came through Gengo-dono."
"Ha, ha, ha. It serves them right. No one intends to go to tonight's wedding ceremony."
A silent Kazuemon left the daimyo's residence. Only a dozen of the off-duty men said they would see him off shoulder to shoulder to Reiganjima.
The steamer heading by the sea lane to Shikoku from Settsu untied the mooring lines in the rising tide at eight in the evening. The dock in the evening was a crush of cargo and passengers being sent off.
"That was quick."
"Yeah, a little too fast."
"Isn't that good? Where can we have farewell drinks to celebrate Kazuemon's journey?"
A Search in the Abyss
"It looks like the ship is about to depart. Time to get ready," said the teahouse hostess a little early.
"Not yet."
"Bring more sake," someone said.
"No, you've had enough. Boarding late is a serious matter. Carrying the lord's letter is also urgent business."
"No matter how urgent, the arriving boat only arrives on the arrival date."
"It's fine. Hey, Kazuemon-dono, it's good you're ready."
Kazuemon was already standing and getting ready. He looked upset. He was shaking his obi sash and pushing aside cups like he was looking for something.
"Kazuemon, what are you doing?"
"Uh, nothing."
"The lord's letter …"
"Please get up."
"Are you serious?"
"I'm sure I put it in this pocket right next to my skin."
"This isn't a joke. Kazuemon. If you've lost the lord's letter, Ikkan will file a protest."
"Uh-huh … look over there please."
"I looked. Kazuemon, it'll be seppuku."
"If it's not here, it will be seppuku."
"Don't say that looking so calm. The officials will be a bit of a problem for us."
"Not a bit. This is serious. Carefully look under the cushions."
"This is bad. It's the lord's letter."
"So make sure."
Everyone paled.
Their drunkenness vanished instantly.
He wouldn't make it to the boat in time. The sail boat shouted into the dark sky.
"I'm useless!" said Kazuemon knowing he will have to cut his belly, but that wouldn't solve the problem. First of all, the order will arrive late in Matsuyama.
Kazuemon was miserable. His shadow rapidly shrunk to a point. He bitterly regretted his act of total incompetence as a man in service.
The Crying and Smiling Face
Kazuemon was sick and tired of searching although he found nothing.
His unsightly panicked look had disappeared.
I can only apologize! He decided secretly in his mind.
He quietly exited the room that had been like a graveyard. He entered an unlit empty room on the river side.
A man following him saw him sit down heavily and appear to draw his short sword.
"Wait. Wait!" he said, desperate to stop him.
"The others ran back to the residence to get guidance from Gengo-dono. Even if you die, it will be later and we won't stop you. We must wait for the censure."
『そうしてくれ、そうしてくれい……。あっ? ……蹄《ひづめ》の音、藩邸からもう早馬だ。数右衛門、必ず待ってくれよ』
Kazuemon calmed down.
Footsteps raced down the corridor and a colleague was soon shown in. An out-of-breath Otaka Gengo stepped in.
Gengo breathed out in relief when he saw Kazuemon was safe and immediately relayed the lord's command.
"Kazuemon, you are a lucky fellow to the end. The lord's words are merciful. He said the document entrusted to you was not a letter signed by him but a sketch of Matsuyama Castle discovered in a nearby library. You were entrusted with a document probably to be referenced by Kuranosuke-dono who is charged with receiving Matsuyama Castle, not a letter signed by the lord. Although the loss is outrageous, it's a scrap of paper. To lose a life over it would be a waste. Understand his mercy is in the words scrap of paper. Hurry and board the boat right now. Don't be late."
What could Kazuemon say? He could not express his overwhelming emotions in words.
"I … I am honored," he said between his sobs.
He turned away and planted his face on the tatami. He cried like a simple man from the country. The snot never stopped pouring from his nose. He hurriedly looked for tissue paper in his kimono sleeve, blew his nose, and wiped away his tears.
『……や? 数右衛門』
『えっ? ……』
Someone brought a lantern and seeing his state placed it in a distant corner of the room. Kazuemon was still crying. He deeply regretted his bungling given the great indulgence of the lord.
Gengo noticed he had run out of tissues to dab his eyes.
"You've run out of tissues in your sleeve. What is that paper?"
Gengo removed the soggy paper from his face, held it out to examined it, and jumped up.
"This is it. This is the letter."
In the end, thick ronin bones were his inheritance and good for nothing. The man receiving a large stipend was not distressed by his incompetent bad service and left the document with Kuranosuke. Before long, Fuwa Kazuemon completed the clan's important mission of receiving Matsuyama Castle and disappeared from Ako and Edo.
Many expressed their regret.
However, six years later, disaster visited Takumi no Kami. When the ronin made a secret pact, Kazuemon quietly reappeared and through Otaka Shiyo and Ushioda Matanojo joined the heroic undertaking.
Of the forty-seven ronin, he was the only ronin who saw Takumi no Kami before his death and listed among the names on the oath. He can be said to be the only man possessing the courage of true ronin bones.
As everyone knows, Oyamada Shozaemon deserted the ronin just before the raid. His behavior made his name synonymous with disgraced warrior for one hundred generations.
Upon hearing this news, Ikkan died in a fit of anger. Was Chiga, who married into the Oda family, troubled? What did she think of Kazuemon? This story ends without a word on that.
January 1938
The End