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Onodera Junai's Wife

Yoshikawa Eiji




The memory was old now. Her picture of fine-patterned scraps, rags of printed cotton, and a sleeve of red crepe were meticulously sewn onto the surface of a fulling board. It was a picture of spring soba noodles curing in the spring sun.

"This pattern may be twenty years old. When Junai returned home as a low-ranking Edo samurai. He bought me this souvenir as a reward to the wife who endured his long absence. Out of character, I wore it. I untied and fashioned it into a hood, and you Mother also wore it as a vest …"




She looked with delight at the numerous, small pasted scraps. There were ones from when she was nineteen and married her husband Junai. She recalled her figure at that time when she was still bashful before guests as the new bride in the Onodera family.

"Oh, Mother. Ha, ha, ha, don't fall off the veranda. Are you bored?"

Tanjo glanced back at the edge of the small, sunny drawing room from the garden and hurried to the side of the old woman to wake her up.




Her husband's aged mother turned ninety that year. The woman who called Tanjo "Daughter" came with Junai over thirty years ago when she was a little older than fifty.

"While I am fulling, sit here on the futon and look at the cherry blossoms. The wild mountain cherry blossoms on Higashiyama and Kiyomizu can be seen from here."

She talked to her aged mother-in-law as if humoring a child to alleviate her boredom and placed tea and candy beside her. Sometimes, she fulled cloth while talking from the garden or the veranda, but the old woman always nodded off with a pleasant look on her face.

 眼をさますと、老母は、わけもなく笑って、 「嫁女《よめじょ》、十内はまだ帰りませぬか」 と、訊ねた。

「まだ、お戻りになりませぬが」 と彼女が答えると、

「今朝にかぎって、朝餉《あさげ》もひとりで済ませ、どこへ行ったのであろ? ……あの子は」 と、つぶやいた。


When she woke up, the old woman would smile for no reason and ask, "Daughter, has Junai come home?"

When she answered, "No, not yet," the old woman muttered, "Only this morning, he ate breakfast alone. Where could he have gone? … Oh, that boy."

Even now, the ninety-year-old mother called Tanjo's husband "that boy." His name was Onodera Junai. He was an Ako vassal worth 150 koku, held the post of ambassador to Kyoto, and was fifty-nine years old.





Beyond diplomacy, the post of ambassador to another clan meant living in a fine house and even gave family life to a cosmopolitan flair. While the Onodera family lived in a town in the capital, they lived for the most part as they did back home. They lived with purity and simplicity in a small residence inside a bamboo fence like the abode of a Confucian scholar.

"Koemon-sama. … Koemon-sama?" called out a young woman as she ran breathing heavily through the gate and without stopping at the entryway ran to the side of the house while looking around.





The elderly attendant Sobei filling the bath with water smiled and gave her a knowing look when he said, "Ine-sama? … The young master is in the study over there."

When he heard Ine's voice, Koemon immediately went up to the study and out to the open veranda. Koemon was the adopted son and heir at this house. He was born into the Otaka family that Onodera Junai's sister married into. In his birth family, his older brother Gengo was the heir, then he as the next brother became his Uncle Junai's adopted son and still lived here with his parents.





"What, Koemon-sama? A wild rumor is spreading throughout the world, but you still haven't heard?"

Ine's face was flushed probably from running and working up her blood. She gasped out her words as she caught her breath and settled her heartbeat.

"Last night and again this morning, people from the Asano clan rode fast palanquins and hurried one after the other to Ako. The townspeople are passing around many rumors."

Ine was the daughter of Kanekatsu Chiaki, a singer living in Nijo. Both Junai and his wife Tanjo had refined tastes and occasionally invited her for musical salons and tea parties. Koemon and Ine had done nothing more than exchange pleasantries and only beginning to get to know each other. Both families were strict and said, "Don't be an embarrasment." Like a flower hidden by a leaf, they avoided being seen.





"Hey, has an urgent message arrived from the Asano clan?" called out his adoptive father Junai from the entryway. Koemon noticed his nervous appearance like he something just came to mind.

"Ah, Father's back," said Koemon and went to greet him. Ine took this opportunity to promptly go home. She thought they had many questions and other reasons to talk in the future.







と、丹女は、膳ごしらえに、すぐ台所へ入った。——良人の唐突《とうとつ》ないいつけに対しても、なぜ? とか、何しに? とか云うような問いは、良人から打明けられない限り、諄《くど》くは訊かないことが、この家《や》の慣《なら》わしであった。


Junai had not changed one bit from normal, right after coming home he asked for lunch, "Tanjo, tea over rice please. And prepare two bento boxes."

"All right."

Tanjo went to the kitchen to prepare a tray. The custom in this home was she did not ask her husband tedious questions like, Why do you need this? What are you up to? when he could not tell her.





Some things are not spoken about openly. There is also a man's courage. If something can be told, it is told from the beginning. She had faith in her husband about what was left unsaid. Naturally, the day of understanding would come and nothing mattered until the day he could speak.

Over thirty years ago, the words spoken when the couple married were to protect and to trust each other. In this couple, one never embraced even the slightest doubt about the other.

"Tanji, where is Mother?"

"She's napping."









"All right. … Please pack my travel clothes, a short-sleeved, quilted kimono, haori jacket, and leggings."

"You're going on a trip?"

"Uh-huh. … I'm making a quick trip back home."

"Will Koemon be going with you? And your attendant will be the young samurai Sahei."

"I'm not sure," he said and was soon in deep thought, "Yes, he will be Sahei. … Please call Koemon here."

Koemon came as the travel preparations were nearly done. Junai only spoke to Koemon and his wife Tanjo, "I will be gone for a while. I will send the details by post as I gather more information."






A clothes change of one thin kimono, a spear, and a suit of armor were carried by the attendant. Junai peeked into his mother's room one more time and whispered, "You seem to be fast asleep."

Junai sat outside the sliding partition and placed both hands on the ground, politely said, "Goodbye for now," and left. His elderly ninety-year-old mother was unaware of him and sound asleep.





In fact, this was unforeseen.

The shadow of her husband going away carrying his spear and armor was somehow invigorating. As she lingered near the gate to see him off, away from the world of springtime, a stream of tears instinctively flowed down Tanjo's cheek. "I'm a samurai's wife," she said and feeling distressed hid in the house.






From that day on, Kyoto became the center of Japan, and conversations were only about a rare, serious incident that took place in Edo Castle.

Word of seppuku by Asano Takumi-no-kami spread immediately. The topic of conversation became the chaos that broke out in the Kira clan. What will the surviving retainers in the Asano clan do? What will happen to Ako Castle? These were the sorts of questions that flowed into the ears of the public.

Each visitor who came to see Tanjo, the wife of the chamberlain residing in Kyoto, would say, "This must have come as a surprise to you? It has all happened so fast. And your courage must be brittle. If your husband left for Ako on the same day …. From my heart, I truly feel your pain as his wife."

 ——が、彼女は、客へ微笑《ほほえ》みをわすれなかった。と云うて、強《し》いて気づよい振りをしてみせるのでもない。 「平素から公《おおやけ》の事は、何も云わない良人でございますから、この度もいつもの通りに国許《くにもと》までというただけで、立って参りました。あとで人様から告げられて、さては、そういうことだったかと思い合せ、いまは良人の身ひとつに限らず、どうか御家臣御一統さま、すべてが、よい御処置をあそばすように、それだけを祈っているだけでございまする」



She did not forget to smile at the visitor. Her smile didn't look forced. "Because my husband normally does not speak on government matters, as always, this time he returned to his hometown. I've wondered about with others have said, but now I only pray for a successful resolution for not only for my husband but for all of the vassals."

Tanjo said that but as proof her heart was not at peace, for two nights, she forgot to finish the material on the felting board that had been dried by the wind and was beginning to peel.

As expected, the next day and the day after that, guests came without a break. Her husband's close friend and the Asano clan doctor, Terai Genkei, who could be thought of as a father figure, and the rarely-seen son Tougai of Ito Jinsai visited her.

 台所へ来る商人から、外で会う近隣の人々まで、彼女を見れば、そのはなしだった。ことば尽《つく》して、慰めもし、見舞いもしてくれるが、もうその心の裏には、 (急に、これから、御浪人となって、どうして暮してゆくんですか?) と、探るような世間の通有性も、そろそろ彼女の顔いろを、姿を見まもり出していた。



「花も散ったが、お門辺《かどべ》は箒目《ほうきめ》立って、いつもおきれい。部屋も縁も、艶々《つやつや》と明るう、御主人が留守とも見えぬ。……いや、陰膳《かげぜん》まで」 と、客は、床《とこ》へ眼をやって、沁々《しみじみ》何か感じ入っている。

十内の従兄弟《いとこ》で、京都の町|与力《よりき》を勤めている同姓の人、小野寺十兵衛だった。 よく留守を訪《おとの》うてくれる。またいろいろな消息を知らせてもくれた。きょうも袂《たもと》から一通の書面を出して、 「ただ今、赤穂からの飛脚がついた。十内どのの御消息じゃ、読むも涙……。急いでお目にかけに参った」 と、それを丹女にすぐ見せた。

If they saw her, she would become the topic of conversation from the merchants who came to the kitchen to the neighbors who met outside. They exhausted their words to comfort her and visited her, but behind their hearts, the shared sentiment of the public was the search for "How will her husband make a living after this?" They closely watched her complexion and her posture.

"Oh, my dear Lady Tanjo."

"Oh, Jubei? Welcome."

"The flowers have scattered, but the traces of raking around the gate always look beautiful. It didn't look like her husband was away with the glowing rooms and the veranda. … You've prepared a place at the table for him, praying for his safe return."

The guests spoke as they looked at the floor and experienced profound emotions.

Onodera Jubei was Junai's cousin and a man who shared the family name. He worked as town police sergeant in Kyoto. He often visited her when Junai was away and shared various bits of news. Today, he took a letter from his sleeve and showed her.

"This just came by messenger from Ako. It's news from Junai, but reading it will bring tears. … I glanced over it and came right away."

[#ここから2字下げ] ——何ものこらず、具足一領、鎗《やり》一本、白帷子《しろかたびら》ひとつ、挾箱《はさみばこ》に入れて下り申し候《そうろう》。



Leave nothing out. Please pack one suit of armor, one spear, and one white, single-layered kimono in a traveling box.

Don't discuss my plans with my elderly mother or my wife. I don't believe they understand the situation. Finally, if I die, I humbly ask for your kind intentions for the sake of my mother and wife. I also ask a you, a man living a humble and simple life, not to hold a grudge.

Additionally, everyone there should remain in the castle and not open it to the outside. In short, each person should prepare for self-destruction with the castle. My wife sending a messenger back and forth would be troublesome. Please read this letter carefully and respond. Although I'm aware of the fuss made by women, please tell them that this incident is a serious matter involving the name of the clan, but they should all remain calm …









"Jubei-sama, I'm depending on you."

At that moment, someone opened the rear sliding partition and placed both hands on the ground. She looked to see her adopted son Koemon.

"I must go back to Ako, too. As his dependent, I shouldn't be here. Until today, my adoptive father and mother have worried about me and been patient with me. The people in the clan and my adoptive father's resolve decided that."

He heard that his older brother Otaka Gengo, the husband of his older sister; Okano Kin'emon; and his son Kujuro were already in Ako Castle. Koemon's feelings could be imagined.

"Please, Jubei-sama is also asking you, Mother. I think the family name is the lord's family, and no family name is connected to me today without the lord. If I were to outlive my adoptive father by one day, I could not show my face to the world."

He spoke with caution while struggling to suppress his young blood. His tears flooded out and dampened the tatami.

"Yes, I understand. I will prepare. Don't worry about the future. When are you leaving for Ako? …"

Tanjo stood to pack as she did when there was war: clean cotton underwear, a belly band, and a quilted short-sleeved kimono to miscellaneous travel gear.






わけて今度は、その情も、さらに切なるものがある。十内のてがみには、また必ず、九十になる老母のことが書いてあった。 [#ここから2字下げ]


I received the letters dated the sixth and the seventh. Mother, I am happy for some reason. Please note that I have meals in the morning and evening. All is well. And finally, I am safe. Your concern over the original affair is justified. I certainly sympathize.

This letter from Junai just missed the one sent to Ako by Koemon. Needless to say, this was his response to an earlier letter from Tanjo.

Several days later, mail arrived again. This was not the first time for the friendly intimacy in the back and forth exchange of letters like on the days of a trip, when on official business, or the days a married couple is apart.

"There's a bit of envy from those on the outside, but the Onodera husband and wife are a pleasant sight to see."

They had been models to the people in their clan for many years.

More than anything, the sentiment this time was more earnest. Junai always mentioned his nonagenarian mother in his letters.

——存じの通り、われらは御家の始めより、小身ながら今まで代々百年の御恩にて、各※[#二の字点、1-2-22]を養い、身あたたかに一生をくらし申し候。 身《み》不肖《ふしょう》にも小野寺家の嫡孫《ちゃくそん》にて候、かようの時、うろつきては、家の疵《きず》、一門のつらよごし、時至らば、心よく死ぬべしと、思い極め申し候。


年月の心入《こころいれ》にて、じょさいあるべしとも、露ちり思わず、申すに及ばず候え共、たのみ参らせ候。わずかの金銀家財、これを有りぎりに養育しまいらせ、御命なお長く、たから[#「たから」に傍点]尽きたらば、共に飢《う》え死に申さるべく候。……[#1段階小さな文字](大略)[#小さな文字終わり] [#ここで字下げ終わり]

As you know, from our beginnings as a humble family, we have been nurtured by the favor of one hundred years of generations from the dawn of our family until this day and live a life with benevolence. The eldest son of the Onodera family is an unworthy son and is doing nothing at this time. Given the shortcomings of the family and the disgrace of the clan, if the time comes, I believe death should come easy. If I forget about my elderly mother and don't long for my wife and children, acceptance of the path of throwing away my life as a duty of a warrior should not be deeply grieved. How unworthy am I to my mother? Somehow, my last hour should be verified.

Needless to say, I have not been unaware and oblivious to your concerns over the years. As much as possible, grow up with small amounts of gold, silver, and household goods and live a long life. If the wealth is exhausted, then death should be by starvation. …"









Now, the public in Ako heard news like a battle was coming. The envoys received at the castle were sent by the shogunate. Perhaps, the surviving Ako retainers confined to the castle would not be transferred. Various opinions and nonsensical stories ran rampant.

During this time, the letters from Junai to his wife never stopped. They showed his usual kindness as a husband.

I've come to sympathize with the circumstances in an unforeseen world as depicted in Kuya Shonin's telling of the old stories in Taiheiki. Life becomes a struggle like lamplight in the wind or dew on the tip of a leaf. No matter what, always search deeply and abandon greed. Like water and a pure heart, disaster teaches you to separate from a lost world … Your home has as much sympathy and compassion as you experience the hardships of a woman.

"Our days as a family in this world are already …"

The thoughts of Tanjo reached him. All at once, the situation at Ako became surrender the castle and flee, a secret pledge, and the altered appearances of comrades. Then without warning, the day came to see her husband Junai at home again.








In the end, their previous life could no longer be. When Junai returned, the family immediately moved.

In the west of Higashitouin, a narrow ronin house was in a thicket called Takenotsuji.

However, to Tanjo the serene year of living from the summer of that year until the fall of the next year, Genroku year 15 (1703), was a time she delighted in and enjoyed being married to Junai once again, as if they renewed their pledge for one hundred years.

In time, the world's eyes turned with suspicion on the true motive of the surviving Ako retainers and were cold from blame, slander, and scorn. But Junai always laughed because there's always someone who knows about snow at lofty heights. Tanjo also fought poverty and had an unbiased view of that world. Would she be able to send off her husband in good spirits on the inevitable sad day of parting or enjoy living her life without regrets? Only that would crush her heart, and she loved each day.




Eventually, that day came. It was the end of September. After Oishi Kuranosuke left Yamashina, his comrades living in Kyoto went to Edo around the same time, too. The Onodera father and son finally left the city.

At the ronin house in Takenotsuji, an intimate farewell dinner of only the small inner circle was held one evening. The eight or nine guests, such as Kanekatsu Tsuchiaki, a friend interested in poetry of Junai and his wife, the Confucian philosopher Ito Jinsai and his son Togai, and the medical doctor Terai Genkei, crowded in secret into a small room.

Junai's younger sister Teiryuni also came to help. What thoughts burdened his elderly mother who turned ninety-one that year? Or was she resigned to the noisy tones of the world as she is to the transition of the spring and fall. She sat small and low between her son Junai and her grandson Koemon and slightly shut her eyes.







"Aah, I … Last year, I wrote this to congratulate your beloved mother on turning ninety," said Jinsai when he spied the bed roll. Yellow chrysanthemums were inserted in a vase. The aromas of the ink and the chrysanthemums were in harmony.

"Was it Father's poem? Although Father Jinsai did not write congratulatory poems for people, he very much enjoyed doing so for Lord Junai. Shall I recite it?"

The son Togai emptied his sake cup and recited the poem with great reverence.

A mother over ninety years old
A life with no worries, no illness, no injuries
Anyone understands a son's devotion in old age
She may look like a mother but is still a child

The elderly mother was also lonely. Like an old pine tree, she listened to the winds. Chiaki recited his work The Nation's Customs. The refined Junai sung a song of Kyoto recently learned.








Around the time delight and drunkenness surrounded the party, the sounds of a koto harp flowed in from the elderly mother's room. They put down their cups of sake and were captivated. Everyone in the inner circle had no doubt who was playing the koto. She was Ine, Chiaki's daughter who had been quietly helping in the kitchen since the evening.

"This old woman has a favor to ask of all of you," said the ninety-one-year-old woman in almost a grumble. The eyes of all the guests asked, What? and watched her lips.

"That child is a dear, sweet thing. Invite her in to receive a cup from Koemon. What do you think, Junai? And you, Chiaki-sama?"

Koemon sat there blushing a bright red and said, "Grandmother, it's no use. Our break up was mutual. Hearing the koto filled my heart. Perhaps, she feels the same. To answer her koto, I will recite a verse."

In this world
My body cannot last for long
A fleeting pledge cannot be kept





Long ago in Yoshino Imperial Palace, this waka poem was spoken by Kusunoki Masatsura to decline an imperial order to marry the court lady Ben no Naiji whose life he saved. The time and the people were different, but those present understood Koemon's heart.

"Oh … oh …"

A stream of tears flowed down the face of the old woman like an old pine tree. Koemon left the house the next morning. Within seven days, Junai headed to the eastern skies. Tanjo and the ninety-one-year-old woman were alone in the house in Takenotsuji.












Oh his way to Edo, Junai sent many letters to his wife.

No one living back home
Shivering alone

Shiga no Uramatsu


All things end
I don't think I will go home
On a journey
I love you nine times more

He occasionally drafted a tanka poem or two to add at the end of his letters.









At the end of autumn, like a light going out, the elderly mother, who had lived more than ninety years, died. Her husband left on a trip from which he would not return and his mother had died, but Tanjo remained serene. She felt the need to sweep up every last fallen leaf that had never stopped scattering on this land borrowed for a long time and dust their marital home in this world she would eventually leave.

On December 13, a letter arrived from her husband in Edo. He wrote

A body that dies for loyalty appears as a samurai in this world. Instead of discouraging a man's heart, this is a cherished desire.

He didn't seem worried at all. With nothing more to say, he only expressed his concerns about her.

A sheet of fancy paper of poems written by Oishi Chikara was sealed inside, too.

The day to carry out the act of revenge was decided to be the upcoming fourteenth. The great ambition of the alliance of forty-seven samurai was accomplished. Next, news came from inside the Hosokawa clan where Oishi Kuranosuke was also in custody.

At the beginning of February of the following year, until that day of seppuku, others noticed and were a bit envious of the letters exchanged between Junai and Tanjo.








「そう、おからかい下さるな。せがれの幸右衛門は、まだ独《ひと》り身でござれば」 十内は、真顔になって、それへ答えた。

Tanjo composed this poem at the end of a letter she sent.

The trace of the writing brush
A rain of tears comes
And no words to respond

The judgment among the loyal retainers and the vassals of the Hosokawa clan was the relationship between Junai and Tanjo amused others because they behaved like young lovebirds.

"Please don't make fun. My son Koemon is still single," Junai answered their teasing with a serious look.






Happily, Koemon was held in custody by the Hosokawa clan. Thus, in his foster mother's place, he looked after his foster father until the morning of his death by seppuku. When Junai ripped a seam of his kimono, Koemon immediately borrowed needle and thread to repair it.

On Musashino plain.
Between the snow, patches of ground in my hometown peek out.
By the fence, potatoes and grass turn a light green.

This poem in a letter dated February 3 was the last composed by Junai. That same morning, the brave seppuku of each loyal retainer in the custody of the four clans was performed.






Tanjo shut herself in her home for one hundred days but conscientiously kept her home clean. At the beginning of June, she went to Hongoku-ji Temple in Kyoto and fasted. On the eighteenth day of that month, she passed away like snow disappearing somehow from a high peak.

I rush to the soldier waiting for his wife and children
I should remember something of this world

This poem she wrote was her sole possession.


The End

  • 小野寺十内の妻
  • 著者名: 吉川英治
  • 入力:川山隆
  • 校正:雪森
  • 翻訳者:シェリー・マーシャル
  • Onodera Junai's Wife (in Japanese)
  • Author: Yoshikawa Eiji
  • Input by: Kawayama Takashi
  • Revised by: Yukimori
  • Translated by: Shelley Marshall
© 2019 Shelley Marshall