This classic children's story by Miyazawa Kenji was first published in the newspaper Iwate Mainichi Shimbun in 1923. This simple but cryptic story about a couple of crabs has the been the subject of much debate and analysis by academics.
The Wild Pear
Miyazawa Kenji
Two blue magic lantern slides illustrate the bottom of a small mountain stream.
1. May
Two crab children were having a conversation at the bottom of a stream of blue water.
"I say Crambon laughed."
"I say Crambon chuckled."
"Crambon jumped up and laughed."
"Crambon chuckled."
The area above and to the side of them looked like darkened blue steel. Dark bubble blobs flowed up to that smooth sky.
"Crambon was laughing."
"Crambon chuckled."
"But why did Crambon laugh?"
"I don't know."
Bubble blobs floated away. The crab children puffed and puffed to blow five or six bubbles. As the bubbles bobbed up and down, light like mercury shined down at a slant from above.
Out of nowhere, a silver-colored belly floated by as a fish passed over their heads.
"Crambon died."
"Crambon was killed."
"Too bad Crambon died.…"
"He was murdered."
"Why was he killed?"
"I don't know," said the big brother crab as he placed two of the four legs on his right side on his little brother's flat forehead.
The fish quickly returned swimming downstream.
"Crambon laughed."
"He laughed."
In an instant, everything was bright. Golden sunlight glowed down in the water as in a dream.
A network of light coming from the waves rippled out beautifully on white rocks on the bottom of the stream. Stick shadows of bubbles or small pieces of garbage lined up in the water at a slant.
This time, a fish broke the golden light into slivers and took on a strange metallic luster as it rode the currents upstream.
"Why is the fish going back and forth like that?" asked the little brother crab looking all around with dazzled eyes.
"It's doing something bad. It's caught."
The fish returned again from upstream. This time, it slowly dropped down. The fish's tail and fins did not move. It was moved only by the water flow. The fish rounded its mouth like a bowl as it came. The fish's black shadow quietly slid over the light network on the bottom of the stream.
"The fish …"
A white bubble suddenly formed in the sky like a blazing blue bullet and came flying in.
At that moment, big brother crab saw the tip of the blue object sharpen to a black point like a compass. As he was thinking, the fish's white belly flashed light and, in an instant, floated up. Now, he could no longer see the shapes of the blue object and the fish. The golden network of light jiggled, and bubble blobs floated by.
The two crabs could not speak and crouched down.
泡と一緒《いっしょ》に、白い樺の花びらが天井をたくさんすべって来ました。 『こわいよ、お父さん。』弟の蟹も云いました。
Daddy crab came out.
"What's wrong? Why are you guys shaking?"
"Daddy, a strange thing just came here."
"What was it?"
"It was a blue light. The end was black and pointy like this. When it came, the fish went up to the top."
"Was the fish's eye red?"
"I don't know."
"Hmm. That was a bird. It's called a kingfisher. Don't worry. You're safe. It doesn't bother us."
"Daddy, where did the fish go?"
"The fish? He went to a scary place."
"I'm afraid, Daddy."
"It's all right. Don't worry. Hey, birch flowers are floating this way. Look, isn't that pretty?"
Many white petals of birch flowers were sliding their way with bubbles along the sky.
"I'm scared, Daddy," said baby brother crab.
The light network shimmered and spread out. The shadows of the flower petals silently slid over the sand.
2. December
The crab children had grown much bigger. The scenery at the bottom of the stream completely changed from summer to fall.
Soft, white, round stones rolled over. Crystal grains shaped like small drills and fragments of magnesium mica flowed in and stopped.
The moonlight of a glass soda-pop bottle passed through to the bottom in the cold water. A wave at the sky flared up and disappeared like blue fire and hit without a sound. The sound of the wave echoed as if it were far, far away.
The crab children could not sleep. The moon was so bright, and the water was so clear. They went outside. They were quiet for a short time, blew bubbles, and looked at the sky.
"Of course, my bubble is big."
"Hey Big Brother, you're blowing a bigger one on purpose. Now, I'm going to blow a bigger one."
"Blow one. Just you, all by yourself. Okay? I'll watch while you blow one. There. Yeah, that'll be big."
"That's not big. It's the same size."
"Mine looks bigger because it's closer. Let's blow them together. All right? Now."
"Yep, mine is bigger."
"Really? One more time."
"It's no good. I can't stretch that much."
Daddy crab came outside again.
"Get back in bed. It's late. We're going to Isado tomorrow."
"Daddy, whose bubble is bigger?"
"I think your big brother's is."
"No, it's not. Mine is bigger," said little brother crab looking like he was about to burst into tears.
At that moment, boom!
A large black round object fell from the sky, sunk all the way down, then rose to the top. A sparkling golden patch glowed.
"It's the kingfisher," said the crab children and shrunk their necks.
Daddy crab stretched his eyes, as much as possible, like telescopes. After staring for a long time, he said, "No, it's not. That's a wild pear floating over there. Let's go have a look. Aah, what a wonderful smell."
Of course, the water in the moonlight was filled with the aroma of the wild pear.
One after another, the three crabs drifted after the wild pear.
Three black silhouettes on the bottom of the stream walked sideways and made six tracks as they chased after the round shadow of the wild pear.
For a short time, the water churned. The waves in the sky became blue flames. The wild pear next to them had been stopped by a tree branch. A glittering moonlight rainbow gathered above.
"Yes, it's a wild pear after all. It's nice, ripe, and smells good."
"It looks delicious, Daddy."
"Wait. Wait. We'll wait just two more days. This sunk down to the bottom so delicious sake can come from this alone. Now, go home and go to sleep."
Daddy crab and his two sons went home to their burrow.
At last, the waves created rising and falling blue flames that seemed to contain diamond dust.
This ends my magic lantern.